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Vampire Holiday: The Passing of Chavez Long
Hugo Chavez Presente
He came from humble beginnings – from among the teeming millions in Venezuelan poverty – and joined the army as much to make a living as to serve the people. He and a group of… Full Transcript
Hugo Chavez Frias Presente
Él vino de orígenes humildes –de entre los millones de venezolanos que vivían en la pobreza — y entró al ejército tanto para subsistir como para servir al pueblo. Él y un grupo de oficiales… Full Transcript
Supreme Justice
Did you hear the one about the Supreme Court Justice who got convicted of a slew of felonies? If not, I don’t blame you. It may sound like a joke, but I assure you, it… Full Transcript
Frozen in Stone: Frozen in Time
The Dorner Manifesto
In the news business, yesterday’s news is, well…no longer news. It’s stale, old, and useless. Yet this rush for what’s new often ignores that which bears closer scrutiny. I speak of the memorandum written by… Full Transcript
The Dorner Dilemma
The short but utterly fascinating police career of Christopher Dorner has captured the attention of millions. Dorner, a fired Los Angeles cop, vowed war against his former colleagues and almost made good his threats. Citing… Full Transcript
The Last Day
One day, one day relevantly quite soon, the administration under President Barack Hussein Obama will come to an end and enter the realm of American history. Eight years will have passed, true, but it will… Full Transcript
Education: The Reclamation Project
If we examine today’s public school systems, especially those in Black and Latino communities, it is hard to envision a system that could be worse, or more dysfunctional. We have, in fact, a mis-education system,… Full Transcript
Sister Marpessa
Marpessa Kupendua is an internet warrior, who, with lightning keystrokes, fights racists, rednecks and dragons – and she has been doing so for years. She and I, and her husband Jahfree, have known each other… Full Transcript
Education Incarceration
DART Submission
Whose Empire?
What It Means And Doesn’t Mean
For the second time in American history, a Black man takes the office of U.S. President – a feat not thought possible just a few years ago.The re-election of Barack Hussein Obama to the nation’s… Full Transcript
Obama and MLK
Christopher Mbewe
Martin’s World
Crowding More Into Chowchilla
Several years ago, in a hotly contested case, Brown v. Plata, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to uphold a lower court ruling declaring California’s state prisons an unconstitutional violation, which threatened the mental and physical… Full Transcript
Luxemburg and Occupy
I recently did a thought experiment of Rosa Luxemburg and gave her a role in advising the young activists. I will not repeat that.practice. Her spirit, however, of principled resistance to imperialism and advocacy of… Full Transcript
Everyone knows, or should know, that the United States of America is this world’s largest prison state. It imprisons more of its own citizens than any other nation on this earth. There is something about… Full Transcript