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Constitutional Amendment for Colonial Crimes

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Constitutional Amendment for Marsy and Not Native American and African American Crime Victim’s Rights.” The Pennsylvania legislature are attempting to enshrine special rights for Marsy’s Law crime victims within the Pennsylvania Constitution through a ballot… Full Transcript

Murder of Prisoners and Guard Protest At Great Meadow

Dontie Mitchell

“Murder of Prisoners and Guard Protest at Great Meadow.” For the last three days, the guards here at Great Meadow have been protesting for lockout of several of their own who were implicated in the… Full Transcript

Pennsylvania Life Prisoners Struggle For Parole

Omar Askia Ali

The Pennsylvania life-sentenced prisoners are struggling for parole. Most States provide parole for life-sentenced prisoners. Seven states do not; Pennsylvania is one of those seven. As with the death penalty, life sentences were designed to… Full Transcript