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Waiting For My Turn
Reginald Sinclair Lewis
This essay is called, “Waiting For My Turn” by Reginald Sinclair Lewis. Some of us have read and seen local or national news reports about the brilliant behind-the-scenes work of Innocence Projects that led to… Full Transcript
This Is Your World
Reginald Sinclair Lewis
I am Reginald Sinclair Lewis. “This piece is called: This Is Your World.” It is truly deeply moving to see throngs of anti-racist white Americans of all economic, educational, and social backgrounds shouting, “black lives… Full Transcript
COVID-19 Response Questionaire
Reginald Sinclair Lewis
I am Reginald S. Lewis. The watchful eyes of the prison officials behind the mass oppression discourages us from talking to each other, and so a free exchange of communication is severely obstructed. After one… Full Transcript
This piece is called 1984. It is quite frightening to witness how current global events strikingly parallelize the dark, evil world George Orwell or, aka Eric Blair, created in his epic, dystopian novel titled 1984,… Full Transcript