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Being Open to Feedback
This is Dallas Britt, 225132 at Minnesota Correctional Facility Rush City, Rush City, Minnesota 7600-525 Street, 55069. This is called “Being Open-Minded to Feedback From Anyone.” Lessons in corrections can come from many different people… Full Transcript
Reflections On Resentment
This is Dallas Britt, 225132 at Minnesota Correctional Facility-Rush City, 7600-525 Street, Rush City MN 55069. I have a reflection today on how resentments make us sick. They make us sick because they fill us… Full Transcript
Praying For Wisdom
This is Dallas Britt, 225132 at Minnesota Correctional Facility, Rush City, Rush City, MN, 7600-525 Street, Rush City, MN 55069. “Praying For Wisdom.” I think it’s just as important as praying for the removal of… Full Transcript
Religious Freedom In Prison
Alright, this is Dallas Britt from Minnesota Correctional Facility-Rush City, Rush City, MN, 7600-525 Street, Rush City, MN 55069. I usually like to use this platform for evangelism and for personal reflections, and I did… Full Transcript
The 12 Steps
This is Dallas Britt, Minnesota ID 225132, incarcerated at Minnesota Correctional Facility—Rush City, Rush City, Minnesota 55069. For the last year and a half, I’ve been working a lot on becoming a better Christian and… Full Transcript
Saving Souls
This is Dallas Britt, Minnesota ID number 225132. I’m incarcerated at Minnesota Correctional Facility-Rush City, 7600 525th Street Rush City, Minnesota, 55069. And I just had a message for my Christian brothers and sisters. I… Full Transcript
Hi, this is Dallas. Britt, 225132, incarcerated at 7600 525 Street, Rush City, Minnesota, 55069. air jordan 4 retro red thunder Buy & Sell Sneakers , Nike Air Force 1 High ID Mcfly Mistershiba ,… Full Transcript