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Black March To Death Row
Every day in America, the trek continues, a Black march to death row. In Pennsylvania, where Afro-Americans constitute 9% of the population, well over 60% of its death row inhabitants are Black. Across the nation,… Full Transcript
LA Outlaw
The federal trial of four Los Angeles cops, forced by the public orgy of rebellion and rage, which rocked the city a year before in response to acquittal stemming from the brutal Rodney King beating,… Full Transcript
War on The Poor
In every phase and facet of national life, there’s a war being waged on America’s poor. In social policy, poor mothers are targeted for criminal sanctions for acts, if committed by mothers of higher economic… Full Transcript
A House is Not A Home
She sits in utter stillness. Her coffee brown features, as if set in obsidian, as if a mask, barely perceptible; the tears threatening to overflow that dark, proud maternal face, a face held still by… Full Transcript
Blackman Bows Out of Death Game
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry A. Blackmun, the court senior justice who recently announced his retirement, has firmly held as a matter of constitutional law that the death penalty, as currently administered, is unconstitutional.… Full Transcript
In a case known as Strickland v. Washington, the U.S. Supreme Court drastically narrowed the range of challenges to the effectiveness and competence of counsel at criminal trials. The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution… Full Transcript