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Queen Elizabeth II and Imperialism
My inmate number is ND7568, and the title of this piece is “Queen Elizabeth II and Imperialism.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr., calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. I have allies who are… Full Transcript
Impersonating Me
My inmate number is NC7568. I’m calling from SCI Chester. The title of this piece is “Impersonating Me.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr., calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. I’m pretty sure a… Full Transcript
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
My inmate number is NB7568. The title of this recording is “Free Mumia Abu-Jamal.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr., calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. Mumia has been incarcerated for over 40 years.… Full Transcript
Political Education
Read the issue of The Movement Kenjuan references. My inmate number is ND7568. The name of this piece is “Political Education.” I am Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. In… Full Transcript
Miranda Rights
My inmate number is ND7568. The title of this piece is, “Miranda Rights.” I am Kenjuan Congo Jr., calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. The United States Supreme Court ruled that police officers… Full Transcript
Roe v. Wade
My inmate number is ND7568. The title of this piece is called “Roe v. Wade.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. On June 24th, 2022, the U.S. Supreme… Full Transcript
Justice of Eric Rick Joseph
Sign This is Petition My inmate number is NB7568. This is Kenjuan Congo Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines, and an objective of ours is justice for Eric Joseph. Eric Joseph is… Full Transcript
Paper Chained My inmate number is ND7568. I’m calling from SCI Chester. This is Kenjuan Congo Jr., from the belly of the beast. Paper Chained is a not-for-profit journal in Australia. Contributions from incarcerated, formerly incarcerated,… Full Transcript
The Real RAP Program
My inmate number is ND7568, and I’m calling up from SCI Chester. This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr., reporting from the belly of the beast. Here at SCI Chester, we have the Real RAP Program founded… Full Transcript
Socio-Economic Status in Prison
This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. and the title of this piece is “The Socioeconomic Status in Prison.” There are socioeconomic statuses in prison. Those economic statuses being a composite rating based on various dimensions of… Full Transcript
Families Against Mandatory Minimums
Hey, the title of this piece is called FAMM. F-A-M-M. This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. Inmate number ND7568. Calling from the belly of the beast. Mandatory minimum sentences are a major topic as it relates… Full Transcript
Shaka Nantambu
To support Shaka: My inmate number is NB7568, and I’m calling from SCI Chester. The title of this piece is called “Shaka Natambu.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr. from the belly of the beast.… Full Transcript
Justice for Kevin Andrews
Sign the Petition for Kevin Andrews My name is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. I’m reporting from the belly of the beast. Apparently we have an ally in our struggle for social justice named Kevin Andrews who… Full Transcript
Repression of Prisoners
This is Kenjuan Congo Jr. from the belly of the beast. The repression of prisoners is a common practice in these human warehouses. This is seen all across the country. The United States Supreme Court… Full Transcript
Usually Cruel
“Usually Cruel.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. from the belly of the beast. The Eighth Amendment has a clause that prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Is prison cruelty usual or unusual? What is the Eighth… Full Transcript
This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. from the belly of the beast. My inmate number is ND7568. In issue number 46 of the Movement, I published an article about death by incarceration. This started a lot… Full Transcript
My inmate number is ND7568. The title of this piece is “The London Police.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. I recently released a commentary about Queen Elizabeth… Full Transcript