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Conscious Initiative and Educational Update
This is Charlie Hugh, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. I’m currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is just an update on what’s going on with the Conscious… Full Transcript
Got My College Degree
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheikh Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. I’m housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is just a update on a few of the things that I’ve got… Full Transcript
Conscious Initiative 2
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This is the second part of “Conscious Initiative” from my newsletter, Conscious Outlook. A… Full Transcript
Conscious Outlook: Conscious Initiative Issue 1
This is Charlie Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. I’m housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called Conscious Outlook. It is the first issue of my newsletter… Full Transcript
Knowledge of Self
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. I’m currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called “Knowledge Of Self.” The word science means knowledge and… Full Transcript
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salam-Bey at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is “Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.” We all heard that in the community, the… Full Transcript
Update on Study Group
This is Charlie Hughes, also known as Sheikh Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility, in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is just about shout outs and updates of what’s going on with me. First… Full Transcript
This is Charlie Hughes, also known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called, “The Pledge of the Moorish Man”. I am the Moorish Man. Some… Full Transcript
Free Kansas
This Charley Hughes, also known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, a prisoner at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is part one of my resolutions for the Free Kansas Movement. Number One:… Full Transcript
This piece is called Sponsorship. I’m currently enrolled in a rehabilitation program called Hustle 2.0. This curriculum was written by me in doing time in the SHU program at Pelican Bay for people who are… Full Transcript
We Need Programming
Captivities pt. 4
This is Charlie Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salam-Bey. I’m currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This is part four of my piece on captivities. Comrade George Jackson said,… Full Transcript
Captivities pt. 3
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. I’m currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This is part three of my piece on captivities. There is a larger… Full Transcript
Captivities pt. 2
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility, in Hutchinson, Kansas. This is part two of my piece on captivities. If the UN member countries… Full Transcript
This is Charlie Hughes, better known as Sheik Belal Abdul Salam-Bey, currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called Captivities Part One, and it is based on a course… Full Transcript
This is Charlie Hughes also known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. This piece is called “culture,” Haile Selassie said, A people without their culture are a people without meaning. A people without their culture are… Full Transcript
Moving Prisons
This is Charlie Hughes also known as Bilal Abdul Salem Bey at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility. About two months ago I got moved to medium cell house. Well, I got to medium cell house which… Full Transcript
Life Update
This is Charley Hughes, number 96576 at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility, also known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. This piece is just an update of what is going on with me in Hutchinson Correctional Facility.… Full Transcript
Clemency Granted
This is Charley Hughes, number 96576 at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, KS. I just wanted everyone to know that I appreciate all of your support for calling the governor’s office here in Kansas… Full Transcript