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In The Shadows
Hi. This is Raymond Jenkins from Corcoran State Prison. Today is August the 1st, 2024. Today topic is called Coming From Out of the Shadow. And the reason I picked this topic is because a… Full Transcript
Power To Control
Hello people, how are you? I want to talk about power and control today. Criminal and addicted thinking patterns have to do with our desire to control others in situations. Most criminal thinkers often think… Full Transcript
Hello, folks, today I want to talk about energy. I want to talk about us being receptive to energy and us putting energy into the universe. Everybody has read on these cosmic lines of energy… Full Transcript
The Weakest Link
Today’s topic is The Weakest Link a little bit. We’ve been having a problem with the phone on my end of, also so, but the weakest link pertain a person that come into the prison.… Full Transcript
Children Of The Corn
When we think of politicians, we too often see them as great, even mighty figures, seemingly larger than life.That’s because of how the media projects them -and far too often, protects them.But in times like… Full Transcript
The Struggle Continues
I’m a man of action. So it bothers me I’m stuck in prison and thus limited in the impact I can make in this world to help myself, help my family, and to help others.… Full Transcript
Terry Daum
In 1997, Terry Daum was convicted after a trial, of three commercial robberies in Staten Island. The evidence against him consisted of testimony from one eyewitness for each robbery. In 2014, Terry discovered the police… Full Transcript
This one is for the University of Michigan’s Prisoner Creative Arts Program. We call that “P-CAP.” It’s for the creative writing final I’m going to do here in two weeks. I call it, “Golden Nuggets.… Full Transcript