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Butter Scores (Terrence Williams U.S. Supreme Court Reversal)

Mumia Abu-Jamal

His name is ‘Butter’, but to lawyers, judges and cops he’s known as Terrance Williams, a man who, in 2012, came within a few days to die. Williams was convicted of the 1984 homicide/robbery of… Full Transcript

You Will Know Them By Their Actions

Kenneth Hartman

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, It’s not the actions of our enemies that we’ll remember, it’s the silence of our friends.” While he said this in a wholly different context, the principle… Full Transcript

Centuries of Struggle Big House Prison Blues

Mumia Abu-Jamal

‘Plus ça change …’ say the French; or ‘The more things change, of course, the more they stay the same.’ That thought, with all its despair and wisdom, resonates with particular power when we look… Full Transcript