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Political Prisoner
My name is Christopher Trotter, and I’m a political prisoner held inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. I came into the prison system with a four-year sentence for theft. And… Full Transcript
Better Education in College Or Prison?
My name is Joandus Olivas, currently incarcerated. The question is whether you receive a better education in college or in prison. Which of the two ensures that for sure success later in life? Which of… Full Transcript
So The Public Will Never Know
“So That the Public Never Knows.” I’m currently litigating in federal court, three civil rights lawsuits on my own because I get no help from any of these so called prison legal services, organizations that… Full Transcript
A Question
This is Spoon Jackson at Solano prison. Feel free to write me, get lonely in here and your feedback is good for inspiration. This poem is titled “Question.” Education is a friendship. You treat it… Full Transcript
The Struggle Continues
I’m a man of action. So it bothers me I’m stuck in prison and thus limited in the impact I can make in this world to help myself, help my family, and to help others.… Full Transcript
You Know Too Much So No
“You Know Too Much, So No.” Mike is a young man in prison who uses his as time studying so that when he leaves he’ll have something to contribute to his family and his community.… Full Transcript
Disturbing the Peace
The video is stunning. A muscular cop leans over a skinny schoolgirl, flips the chair in which she sits, sending her to a hard fall to floor on her back. Before she can disentangle herself… Full Transcript
“Education.” You cannot expect many, let alone all of us, to be rehabilitated over the decades. It takes for legal relief. Be it through the courts or commutation, if we have no continuing education avenues… Full Transcript
Are We Letting The Great Moment Vanish
My name is Charles Karim Diggs. I’m calling from, uh, Pennsylvania Graterford state prison, and the, uh, topic for my, uh, little essay here is, uh, “Are We Letting a Great Moment Vanish?” This nation… Full Transcript
National Disaster and Prisoners
Good evening. My name is Charles Karim Diggs. Once again, I’m at Graterford prison in Pennsylvania. My number is AK7945. I want to talk about, uh, the, the hurricane that’s going on in the country… Full Transcript
White Supremacy
My name is Charles Karim Diggs. My subject today is white supremacy. I think first we have to understand this country was founded by white males, and all the laws, rules, and customs was put… Full Transcript
The Battles of History
The events surrounding Charlottesville, Virginia have a resonance far beyond the borders of Old Dominion. Even though they began as a strictly local affair, they quickly assumed a national character, because this strictly local event… Full Transcript
Public Health
My name is Charles Karim Diggs, calling from, uh, Pennsylvania, Graterford prison. And, uh, this additional, uh, topic I would like to talk about public health. There is a public health problem in America, which… Full Transcript
The National Disease of America
Don’t Get Trapped
This is Wilbert Sanders, also known as Jazz the Poet with one I called “Don’t Get Trapped.” Since music calms the savage beast, let’s compose a song with lyrics so strong, violence actually comes to… Full Transcript
Lifers Do Better On Parole
Statistics show that 85 to 90 percent of those incarcerated are in prison for economically related crimes, mostly due to poverty and lack of education and lack of employable skills. Moreover, the recidivism rate among… Full Transcript
Educated in Hell, The Imprisonment of Lorenzo Cat Johnson
“Educated in Hell: The Imprisonment of Lorenzo Cat Johnson.” He was barely 20 when he was in prison by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, sent to prison on a trumped-up murder charge, sentenced to life on… Full Transcript
Fidel 1926-2016
Fidel Castro, 1926 to 2016. Viva Fidel. Fidel Castro, father of the 1959 Cuban revolution, has died after 90 years of a life of rebellion and resistance. That this bold revolutionary figure lived as long… Full Transcript
Dear outside world, my name is Christopher Trotter. I’m calling from inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Carlisle, Indiana. nike sabrina 2 sneaker release date Botine ECCO Solice 42011301001 Black… Full Transcript