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Black August
This is Comrade Pitt, Peter Kamau Mukuria, over in Red Onion State Prison in the state of Virginia. This commentary is titled “Black August,” commemorating the life and work of George Jackson—long live the dragon.… Full Transcript
Black August
This Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, also known as Charley Hughes, an inmate at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is on Black August. Black August commemorates George Jackson and the other victims of… Full Transcript
Black August
“George Jackson was my hero. He set a standard for prisoners, political prisoners, for people. He showed the love, the strength, the revolutionary fervor that’s characteristic of any soldier for the people. He inspired prisoners… Full Transcript
As the ruinous war continues to rage in Gaza, Black and Palestinian scholars continue to tell the untold stories of these oppressed peoples. One such scholar is Greg Thomas, the founder and editor of the… Full Transcript