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Unshackling Our Future
Unshackling Our Future: My Fight Against Involuntary Servitude In Prisons. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is C-Note. I am a California state prisoner. For nearly 40 years, I have lived behind the prison walls of… Full Transcript
Seat Belt Law
Raymond Jenkins 0:00 Hi, this is Mr. Jenkins from Corcoran State Prison and my topic is going to be, ‘They Had Said Prisoners are Human Too’. And the reason why I’m saying that is because… Full Transcript
Humanity and Transparency
Prison Radio, how y’all doing out there today? This is Burnell, coming to you once again, aka Abdul The Black Sheep. I’ve been incarcerated for 36 years. Oftentimes, people will look at somebody behind the… Full Transcript
How Much Does It Take?
Alright, I’m Matthew Garcia, EG5999, calling in from SCI Chester. So, “How Much Does It Take?” Freedom comes to mind for the majority, but it’s undoubtedly much more complicated than that. We lose our identity.… Full Transcript
Message to Human Rights Council
To members, affiliates and supporters of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, Your Excellencies ambassadors, foreign ministers and representatives of 54 African member states, We thank you for your attempts to protect African… Full Transcript
The Women of Huron Valley
My inmate number in ND7568. The title of this piece is “The women at Huron Valley.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. It been brought to my attention… Full Transcript
I think of the children of Angola given no fresh water but sold Coca-Cola. Kids killing kids in school, out of loneliness, out of despair, out of wanting the spotlight there. Who feels sad? It’s… Full Transcript
Thank You Sisters!
National Disaster and Prisoners
Good evening. My name is Charles Karim Diggs. Once again, I’m at Graterford prison in Pennsylvania. My number is AK7945. I want to talk about, uh, the, the hurricane that’s going on in the country… Full Transcript
Hepatitis C Wars Widen
When our recent hepatitis C case was decided (Jan. 3,2017), we thought that the state, known widely for its repressive penal attitudes and its cold resistance to the principle that prisoners were, after all, human… Full Transcript
Duplicitous Batts II Decision
On June 26, 2017, in a unanimous decision to bamboozle the public in the Batts II case, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices have released another duplicitous ruling against the fair and humane sentencing of children… Full Transcript
Farewell Thoughts to My Friend, Lynne Stewart
Farewell thoughts to my friend Lynne Stewart from Jaan Laaman, political prisoner. International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2017. With a sunny sky outside and, a quote, unquote, day without women’s strikes and other very positive… Full Transcript
Call to Action Iman Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin
“The magic of black music.” As the deaths of two musicians recently demonstrates, black music is an art form that radiates freedom, and that radiation flows around the world. The death of Sharon Jones, lead… Full Transcript
The Work Begins
It said that P.T. Barnum, circus man and snake oil salesman, coined the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” It looks like pretty close to 60 million were hatched on Election Day as they… Full Transcript
Mumia Speaks
Running Down the Walls 2016
Maroon Prevails
Russell Maroon Shoatz, a Black Liberation fighter since his youth, after many years of struggle, has prevailed in his action to bar the Pa. Dept. of Corrections (DOC) from ever holding him in isolation again.… Full Transcript
2nd Amendment Anti-Black Police Violence Left Forum
Boorish and Boring
Watching political debates is not my thing. First of all, they’re hardly really debates; they are, more often than not, a series of sound-bites; often, of promises that both speakers and listeners know won’t be… Full Transcript
James Earl Carter (1924-2024). His name James Earl Carter junior was not a famous one, for few knew him by that name. But millions knew him by his nickname, his high-voltage smile and his Georgia accent as… Full Transcript