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A New Day

Mumia Abu-Jamal

The events of last week continue to reverberate throughout national consciousness. The unprovoked killings by cops in the streets of America’s Midwest, and the subsequent killings of cops in Texas, show us that a new… Full Transcript

Voting for Your Pain

Mumia Abu-Jamal

An election is occurring tonight. It’s a primary, one of dozens to come. It matters not where — or, for the most part, even who. Elections are public expressions of emotion, as in ‘who do… Full Transcript

Centuries of Struggle Big House Prison Blues

Mumia Abu-Jamal

‘Plus ça change …’ say the French; or ‘The more things change, of course, the more they stay the same.’ That thought, with all its despair and wisdom, resonates with particular power when we look… Full Transcript

From Katrina to Ferguson

Mumia Abu-Jamal

It’s been 10 years since the watery carnage of Katrina, and 1 year since the fiery rage lit the night skies of Ferguson Missouri, and between the two harrowing events lay the state of Black… Full Transcript