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Women’s History Month
My email address is My Instagram is @kjcongothree. My inmate number is ND7568. This Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. The title of this piece is “Women’s History Month:”… Full Transcript
Further Discrimination Against Trans folks
Hi, this is Bambi again. I just wanted to call in and record some things. I haven’t really called you guys in a while. There’s been a lot of things that I’ve been going through,… Full Transcript
Women Are Different
My name is Heather Jarvis, and this is “Women Are Different.” I sat on my bunk anticipating the morning supply drop along with the rest of the women in my dorm. It was that time… Full Transcript
Thank You Sisters!
The Bans of Empire
“The Bans of Empire.” Remember when departing president Obama reassured the nation that everything was all right after the ascension of Donald Trump to the oval office? Well, a week has passed, and guess what?… Full Transcript
Women’s March
Let’s face it. President Trump’s entire presidential election campaign was so mysogynistic, sexist, anti-choice, and anti-women’s rights, that women of America had no other option but to fight back against what can only be called… Full Transcript
The title of this piece is “The Barbie Movie Controversy.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding the Barbie movie. Some say it’s… Full Transcript