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Golden Nuggets

Steven Nicholson

This one is for the University of Michigan’s Prisoner Creative Arts Program. We call that “P-CAP.” It’s for the creative writing final I’m going to do here in two weeks nike sabrina 2 sneaker release… Full Transcript

#3 Are Prisons STILL Obsolete

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Marc Lamont Hill:  Peace everybody you are now listening to The Classroom and The Cell Podcast. This is Marc Lamont Hill. Mumia Abu-Jamal:  And this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.   Marc Lamont Hill:  Mumia, there has been… Full Transcript

Love Not Phear at Luxemburg Conference 2022

Private: Mike Africa Jr.

And every year, prisoners and civilians run and exercise together to talk about how we’re going to abolish the prison system here in America. There is much resistance. There is much resistance from prisoners. Prisoners… Full Transcript

Violent Offenders

Christopher “Naeem” Trotter

Dear outside world, my name is Christopher Trotter. I’m calling from inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Carlisle, Indiana. I would like to speak to you in regards of prisoners… Full Transcript

Political Prisoner

Christopher “Naeem” Trotter

My name is Christopher Trotter, and I’m a political prisoner held inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. I came into the prison system with a four-year sentence for theft. And… Full Transcript

Without Pain, Risk or Sacrifice, Change is impossible

Dontie Mitchell

Economics is a very powerful motive towards driving mass incarceration. A lot of people are eating off of the arrest, prosecution, and the imprisonment of people in this country. If mass incarceration wasn’t practical do… Full Transcript

A Message to Black, Brown, and Poor People in Age of COVID-19

Dontie Mitchell

A message to Black, Hispanic, and poor people in this age of COVID-19 from Mfalme Sikivu, Executive Minister of UFD. Here we are, in 2020, still faced with the reality of racism and classism. The… Full Transcript

The Socialization of Anti-Social Behavior in Prison

Dontie Mitchell

“The Socialization of Anti-Social Behavior in Prison.” Yesterday, I was in the yard with two of my young [inaudible], Racks and Smokey. Both are 21 years old. We were having a conversation about them engaging… Full Transcript