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Positive Community in Prison
Eddie Treadwell
Hello, this is Mr. Eddie Treadwell at Kinross Correctional Facility in Michigan. I’ve been incarcerated now for 32 years in prison and just submitted a commutation to the governor trying to get out of prison.… Full Transcript
Letter to Jamil
Jamil Pirant
My name is Jamil. I’m incarcerated in Indiana Department of Corrections, and it’s a letter to Jamil. Dear Jamil, I know it’s been a long road, but you got to keep your head up. Got… Full Transcript
Yeah, hi, this is Mr. Jenkins from Corcoran State Prison. And today’s topic would be, “How Do You Rate Yourself?” that’s “R-A-T-E Yourself.” And the reason why I picked this is because a lot of… Full Transcript