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Darren Stanley (KnowledgeBorn GodAllah)

Hey, this KnowledgeBorn GodAllah, calling from CSP Solano, orginator of bringing the Father, Son, Nation and God’s nerve to CDCR,  to the legal system.  I am being retaliated against in the utmost and extreme form… Full Transcript

Dr. Robert Lacy Confirms Infection

Krystal Clark

Hi. My name is Krystal Clark. My inmate number is 435064. I know a lot of, everybody know who I am. I’m in WHV, the Valley of Death. It gives me hell. I’m just trying to… Full Transcript

Hunger Strike and Self Immolation Update

Ekong Eshiet

I started my hunger strike Monday, October 21st. Once everybody refused a breakfast tray, the CO came to my door and said, “Why? Why you messing up the spot? This is a good spot.” He … Full Transcript

Please Help Krystal Clark

Bobby Joe Main

Hi, my name is Bobby Main, my number 874670. I currently live in Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility. I’m calling regarding my friend Krystal Clark. She needs help. She’s severely sick, and this prison is… Full Transcript