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Frackville’s Water Crisis
On October 26, 2017, the town of Frackville, Pennsylvania sat down to Schuylkill County Water, Municipal water source, and switched over to SEI fright mill prison’s water preserve tank. Staff indicated the Schuylkill municipality was… Full Transcript
Frackville’s Systemic Water Crisis
On October 26, 2017, the town of Frackville, Pennsylvania sat down to Schuylkill County Water, Municipal water source, and switched over to SEI fright mill prison’s water preserve tank. Staff indicated the Schuylkill municipality was… Full Transcript
SCI-Frackville’s Flint, Michigan Rampant Water Contamination
SCI Frackville’s Flint, MI rampant water contamination. The captive audience at SCI Frackville erupted with inquiries about the visible and odiferous changes experienced with the running water supply during the week of 6/13/16 through 6/23/16.… Full Transcript
Michigan Governor Snyder’s Criminal Acts of Environmental Racism
Flint: Crimes of Capital
From the beginning of human communal time, people built cities adjacent to rivers, for water, fresh water, was the source of life. Cairo (and before it grew into Cairo, Fustat), relied on the Nile; London… Full Transcript
This is Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, an inmate at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called “Unsanitary Practices.” On 7/7/2012, while working in the Aramark kitchen and cleaning behind the counter,… Full Transcript