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A Call For Unity
Hi, my name is Derrick Gibson, a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections at SCI Pinegrove, a classified restricted release prisoner housed in indefinite isolation of solitary confinement the past 10 years. That means… Full Transcript
“Stricken” by Spoon Jackson. I remember that Sunday morning tune, you snapping snap beans for dinner while rock doves cooed in the Oak trees. I thought you were the strongest person ever. I thought you… Full Transcript
Standing Rock
Standing Rock. Bitter powers, government run, you are not going to shake me. You are not going to break me. What you do won’t make me. I stand with the birth of the land. I… Full Transcript
Misdirections. People wonder why He tends to the plants like He does. Touching them. Them touching him. People wonder why He sits looking at the sky, tending to the birds. The bird sang to Him… Full Transcript
Sag. How do I hold my temper, keeping my grace, and not become bitter, stuck in this infamous place? I remember even at seven, I dreamed of a better place, in a better race. Stuck… Full Transcript
Go On
My name is Spoon Jackson in that New Folsom Prison. And the title of the poem I’m reading is “Go On.” I cannot go on like this, but I will go on, on and on… Full Transcript
Hi, this is Charles Carpenter. My CDC number is V08580. I’m currently housed at Chuckwalla State Prison. This piece is called, “Take It All In Stride”. these are the hottest jordan 3s dropping this summer… Full Transcript