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Philly District Attorney Trades One Illegal Sentence For Another
Philadelphia District Attorney (D.A.) Seth Williams finally released his Juvenile Resentencing Protocol in compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Miller vs. Alabama and Montgomery vs. Louisiana. D.A. Seth Williams has stated “we are… Full Transcript
Butter Scores (Terrence Williams U.S. Supreme Court Reversal)
His name is ‘Butter’, but to lawyers, judges and cops he’s known as Terrance Williams, a man who, in 2012, came within a few days to die. Williams was convicted of the 1984 homicide/robbery of… Full Transcript
Muhammad Ali 1942-2016
It was Jan. 1942, when the baby, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. was. Born to a working-class Negro family in Louisville, Kentucky. In those days, Kentucky was famous for its distinctive blue grass, its championship horses… Full Transcript
President Barack Obama Blunders Supreme Court Nomination and Rejects Black Democratic Base
We Don’t Need Another Moderate
With the passing of the hard-right ideologue Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia, President Obama has an opportunity to shape and sharpen the debate in the coming presidential election. But he’ll need to resist the corporate… Full Transcript
Brief Thoughts on Antonin Scalia, Presidential Nominations and Republican Obstructionism
Pennsylvania Courts Must Extend Parole to 550 Child Offenders Serving Life Without Parole Sentences
Supreme Court Declares Miller Retroactive to All Children Sentenced to Life Without Parole
Antonin Scalia 1936-2016
Pennsylvania Need Not Create a New Law to Parole 550 Child Lifer Prisoners
A Summary Review of the Supreme Court’s Montgomery Decision
For the Youth Hope
The U.S. Supreme Court issued another landmark ruling recently when it announced, in Montgomery V. Louisiana, that life imprisonment without parole was unconstitutional for juvenile prisoners, and that they should be granted new sentences or… Full Transcript
Muslims Not Welcome
The image of an imperious Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, speaks volumes as he calls for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. The comments flood the globe, the latest expression of American fear, hatred… Full Transcript
Save Kerry Shakaboona Marshall PSA
Life As An Innocent Prisoner
Sonia Sotomayor’s Stroll to the Supremes
It was a foregone conclusion. When federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor was nominated to fill the seat of retired U.S. Supreme Court associate justice, David Souter, the die was cast. While there are few… Full Transcript
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