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Visitation Difficulties
Peter “Pitt” Mukuria
Yeah, this is Peter Kamal Mukuria. Excuse my voice, I’m slightly losing my voice, but yeah, this is comrade Peter Mukuria, AKA, comrade Pitt Panther. So, I’m calling here from Jessup Correctional Institution in the… Full Transcript
COVID Update from San Quentin
Richard A. Valdez
This is Richard Valdez calling from San Quintin, CA to This is an update on the COVID situation in the CDCR and in San Quentin State Prison. Currently, they’re shutting down visiting in both… Full Transcript
Contraband Strip Search
Peter “Pitt” Mukuria
This is a Comrade Pitt. I’m calling in with a commentary. This story is about an article which was by the Virginia newspaper, how they reported how the COVID-19 pandemic exposed their most contraband, namely… Full Transcript
This is Peter Kamau Mukuria, the Minister of Labor for the Revolutionary Intercommunal Black Panther Party. I’m currently over here at Jessup Correctional Institution from the state of Virginia through the Interstate Compact transfer. Our… Full Transcript