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Abolition Of Repression
“Abolition of Repression.” Legates, friends, comrades, brothers, and sisters. Greetings! There can be no serious consideration of the subject of prison abolition in America without reflection on the work of black feminist scholar activist Dr.… Full Transcript
Pennsylvania Life Prisoners Struggle For Parole
The Pennsylvania life-sentenced prisoners are struggling for parole. Most States provide parole for life-sentenced prisoners. Seven states do not; Pennsylvania is one of those seven. As with the death penalty, life sentences were designed to… Full Transcript
Big Pharma: Big Money = No Blame
“Big Pharma: Big Money = No Blame.” In recent days, we’ve heard of settlements and civil suits involving big pharmaceutical companies, the very sources of opioid products like Oxycontin for example, that has left tens… Full Transcript
A Force For Change
My name is Omar Askia Ali AKA Edward Sistrunk. On topic is “A Force For Change.” There is a book out by Norman Carter Jr., a former Philadelphia police officer, entitled “The Long Blue Wall.”… Full Transcript
A House is Not a Home
She sits in utter stillness. Her coffee-brown features, as if set an obsidian, as if a mask, barely perceptible, the tears threatening to overflow that dark proud maternal face, a face held still by rage.… Full Transcript
Prison Nation
“Prison Nation.” When I left Death Row, I could no longer use my signature sign off: “live from death row,” which incidentally was the title of my first book. I had to find a new… Full Transcript
What Kind Of Society Do We Want
My name is Charles Karim Diggs. Our little subject matter tonight is, uh, what type of society do we want? Are we willingly obeying a disease system? Every two years, we vote for legislators, and… Full Transcript
War on the Bronx
The US Government’s Conspiracy to Destroy Black Communities
The Fruit of a Poisonous Tree
In legal theory there is something known as ‘the -fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree’ doctrine, which holds that an illegal search, arrest or interrogation ‘poisons’ -or taints – all that follows, and as such, it may not be used… Full Transcript
Ehrlichman: War on Drugs Really War on Blacks and Hippies
For the youth of today, the name John Ehrlichman rings no bells. For people who lived through the ’60s, it is either famous or notorious. The name references a former high-ranking member of the White… Full Transcript
A House is Not A Home
She sits in utter stillness. Her coffee brown features, as if set in obsidian, as if a mask, barely perceptible; the tears threatening to overflow that dark, proud maternal face, a face held still by… Full Transcript
This is a Comrade Pitt. I’m calling in with a commentary. Blazers Center Getting Major Trade Interest From Warriors: Report nike sabrina 2 sneaker release date This story is about an article which was by… Full Transcript