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Now What?
“Now what?” After the U.S. House voted along party lines to impeach the U.S. President Donald Trump, headlines blared and pundits crowed about the news. But now what? It is all but certain that Trump… Full Transcript
Step 1 – Impeachment
“Step One: Impeachment.” Members of the U.S. House of Representatives have a Christmas gift planned for U.S. president Donald Trump. It’s an impeachment, but Trump has a gift for them as well. It’s an acquittal… Full Transcript
When Impeachment Isn’t Enough
“When Impeachment Isn’t Enough.” The impeachment hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives have begun, and with it, a step into history. Will Donald Trump be impeached by the House? I think the answer will… Full Transcript
The Real Deep State
“The Real Deep State.” Among political conservatives, there is a phrase used to designate continuing government influence from the days of the Obama administration. They call it “deep state.” This deep suspicion has led to… Full Transcript
Turkish Winter Over Kurdistan
At the time of the Iraq war when Bush II unleashed a war of shock and awe over Saddam Hussein’s country extensively in search of weapons of mass destruction, the northern territory of the Kurds,… Full Transcript
Even the Koch Institute Has a Presidential Pardon List of Thousands of Prisoners
“Even the Koch Institute has a presidential pardon list of thousands of prisoners,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. The conservative Koch Institute, owned conservative billionaire Charles Koch of Koch Industries, has organized a loose coalition of… Full Transcript
Politics 2019 or The Hope Games
“Politics 2019, or The Hope Games.” It’s early yet. But the politics of this, the Trump era, has formed the framework of the clashes to power. Democrats, especially after the age of Obama, are enmeshed… Full Transcript
Hidden Voters
“Hidden Voters.” At the last presidential election, the press and pollsters got it about as wrong as two left feet. Few people believed that Trump could triumph over the brilliant and accomplished secretary of state… Full Transcript
Immigration Nation
“Immigration Nation.” Say one thing about the Trump presidency. From day one, issue one has been immigration, more specifically, the issue has been American anxiety about the rising tide of immigrants, especially Mexican or other… Full Transcript
When Congress Isn’t Enough
“When Congress Isn’t Enough.” Former special prosecutor Robert Mueller came before two committees of the U.S. House of Representatives, haltingly answered critics and questioners, and left the scene in silence. Much of the media had… Full Transcript
Biden His Time
“Biden His Time.” The candidacy of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. for president of the United States has caused multiple reactions across the land. Biden, who enters his 77th year of life, draws warm feelings from… Full Transcript
Mad at the World, Fearful of the Future
“Mad at the World, Fearful of the Future.” As an American presidents stomps in the ground in mock anger, decrying the alleged wrongs of young women, he is chilling at windmills, fighting battles he can… Full Transcript
The Raids Cometh
“The Raids Cometh.” America has always had periods of state violence, attacks against dreaded others, people who were considered alien to a false white norm. The Palmer raids of the early 20th century, named for… Full Transcript
FBI Spies and Spying
“Of FBI Spies and Spying.” In light of the empty dud of the fall of the Mueller report, we have heard repeated charges of outrage that alleged FBI spying of the Trump campaign and administration.… Full Transcript
Trump, Mad at the World
“Trump, Mad at the World.” Donald Trump, from the first day he unleashed his venomous campaign for the U.S. presidency, has lashed out at people he considers beneath him. It began, as all now know,… Full Transcript
Trump in Triumph
“Trump in Triumph.” The news that special prosecutor Robert Mueller would return no additional indictments and no charges of wrongdoing by incumbent president Donald Trump has hit Washington like a thunder clap. Leading democratic politicians… Full Transcript
Venezuela, Again
“Venezuela Again.” Several years ago during the early days of Hugo Chavez’ presidency, U.S. Forces supported a coup attempt against it and the barrios of Caracas exploded in support for the former military officer. The… Full Transcript
Manafort Rises
“Manafort Rises.” Much of the nation waited with bated breath on the eminent sentencing of Paul Manafort, the once powerful operator of a foreign representation firm and ally of an American president. According to the… Full Transcript
Trump Trumped
“Trump Trumped.” After over a month of the partial government shutdown, president Trump threw in the towel following to an avalanche of political and economic disaster. U.S. house speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco emerged… Full Transcript
“The Trump Trial.” Soon, the impeachment trial of an American president will begin, and the U.S. Senate will decide whether Donald J. Trump will be removed from office or acquitted of two articles of impeachment.… Full Transcript