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Guilty Until Proven Innocent
The Invisible Man
Holiday Message PDC
The Hardest Time
Centuries of Struggle Big House Prison Blues
Mumia Abu-Jamal
‘Plus ça change …’ say the French; or ‘The more things change, of course, the more they stay the same.’ That thought, with all its despair and wisdom, resonates with particular power when we look… Full Transcript
The Representative or the Represented?
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Recently, a Black congresswoman from Florida revealed that white legislators from the state’s redistricting body changed her district to include the states overcrowded but under represented prisons, thereby insuring her defeat when the next election… Full Transcript
From Katrina to Ferguson
Mumia Abu-Jamal
It’s been 10 years since the watery carnage of Katrina, and 1 year since the fiery rage lit the night skies of Ferguson Missouri, and between the two harrowing events lay the state of Black… Full Transcript
His name is Arthur Johnson, and he has lived in his cell, in the ‘hole’, for 37 years. You heard me right: 37 years! He was first cast into the Pa. Dept. of Corrections version… Full Transcript