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20th Anniversary of CUAPB
“20th anniversary of CUAPB.” Thank you Michelle Gross of Communities United Against Police Brutality in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I congratulate you all for reaching the twentieth anniversary, even as I recognize it is a shame that… Full Transcript
Breonna’s Deathbed
“Breonna’s Deathbed.” Her name, Breonna Taylor, has become a call to be chanted and shouted at protests now joined by that of many other black people who were killed by distinct with perfect impunity. A… Full Transcript
COVID-19 To Life
I call this “COVID-19 to Life.” I never believed that jailhouse rumor pertaining to a world catastrophe or an invasion on U.S. soil, which would prompt the correctional officers to go to each cell and… Full Transcript
I Can’t Breathe (We Are All George Floyd)
My name is Khalfani Malik Khaldun. I am calling from Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. This is my cry of support [], in celebration [] for George Floyd; power to the people and all those that… Full Transcript
Hood Culture
I want to tell you a quick story about a young man who does eleven years in prison from the time he’s 18. While in prison, he really doesn’t learn how to be an adult… Full Transcript
How Do You Fight an Unjust Racist System?
How do you fight an unjust and racist system? Definitely not by being their good nigga. How do you find an unjust and racist system that uses the power of the state to grind people… Full Transcript
World On Fire
Guess what? The world is on fire! I don’t mean environmental degradation or global warming, no, although that too is true. I refer to protests, not just all across the United States, but all around… Full Transcript
When Good People Do Nothing, Tyranny Reigns
When good people do nothing, tyranny reigns. Let us analyze why people are looting and rioting in the wake of George Floyd’s death. It’s because people lose respect for law when the very people responsible… Full Transcript
George Floyd: What Do You Expect To Happen
George Floyd and state power: what do you expect to happen? The death of George Floyd is on a long list of unarmed black people murdered by the police. His death is sad and tragic.… Full Transcript
I Can’t Breathe Pt. 2
The furious struggle for justice for the late Eric Garner took years, long hard years. But his family and friends before a bare pittance was granted in the belated decision to dismiss the cop who… Full Transcript
Hypocrisy of DOCCS
It seems to me that prison officials don’t want to accept responsibility for their own conduct. However, they will punish those of us who are behind these walls for the things that we do wrong. … Full Transcript
In Memory of May 13th
“In Memory of May 13th.” In a matter of hours, the calendar will ring in May 13th, and it will mark the 35th year since the massacre on Mother’s Day, 1985, when police armed with… Full Transcript
Violence and Hypocrisy: As American as Apple Pie
Violence and hypocrisy: as American as apple pie. I was watching the house of managers giving their closing arguments during the impeachment trial. I couldn’t help but sit and wonder about how corrupt our political… Full Transcript
Delbert Africa, Free!
“Delbert Africa, Free!” MOVE member Delbert Africa, held in prison since the confrontation of August 8th, 1978, has walked out of a Pennsylvania prison after 42 years. Delbert, in his 69th year of life, came… Full Transcript
Death in the Infirmary
“Death in the Infirmary.” It’s been less than a week, and the news about Reds is still circulating around the prison. “Hey man! Did you hear about Reds?” “Yeah, man, it was that Big Red… Full Transcript
Quality of Moral Character
“The quality of moral character.” Today, September 4th, 2019, I was singled out of line on the way to morning chow by Sergeant Reynolds who is the grievance sergeant who screens prisoner complaints submitted to… Full Transcript
Stressing Out But Still In The Fight
“Stressing Out But Still In The Fight.” I told you all in my last commentary how Corrections Sergeant Reynolds here at Great Meadow singled me out of line, orders me into the Sergeant’s Bunker and… Full Transcript
Fight Power With Power
“Fight Power With Power.” I’ve been watching the BET series Finding Justice, and it brought up a recurrent theme in my mind about the lack of true Black power. How is it that Black people… Full Transcript
Disturbing the Peace
The video is stunning. A muscular cop leans over a skinny schoolgirl, flips the chair in which she sits, sending her to a hard fall to floor on her back. Before she can disentangle herself… Full Transcript
My name is Lexter Almagro. I’m calling from Donovan State Prison. The title of the poem is called “Death Around the Corner.” Got half my anger received and I’m overcome by self control. Replace my… Full Transcript