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The Stolen 30 Months from the Corrupt Berrien County Court System
Capital Gains
The primaries have ended, and America’s general election begins anew — and voila! — a billionaire is pitted against a millionaire! The Trump-Clinton battle (what I’ve earlier termed ‘The Nasty vs The crafty’) is a… Full Transcript
Twenty-First Year in Prison
Afeni Shakur 1947-2016
She was born Alice Faye Williams in the dusty little town of Lumberton, North Carolina – January 10, 1947. A dimpled little Black girl, who grew into a petite young revolutionary known as Afeni Shakur,… Full Transcript
The US Government’s Conspiracy to Destroy Black Communities
The Fruit of a Poisonous Tree
In legal theory there is something known as ‘the -fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree’ doctrine, which holds that an illegal search, arrest or interrogation ‘poisons’ -or taints – all that follows, and as such, it may not be used… Full Transcript
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Michigan Governor Snyder’s Criminal Acts of Environmental Racism
Flint: Water Wars Against the Poor
The War Against White Men
Several days ago, while viewing the Sunday weekly CNN show hosted by Fareed Zakaria, I saw a segment documenting the rising death tolls of white men, especially those between the ages of 45 and 54… Full Transcript
A Radical Revolution of Values
Poem about Mumia
Government Torture is Old
Justice or Else
Dortell Williams, prison in Los Angeles County. The epiphanies. In the 80’s, American demagogues birth an epiphany. Their tough on crime ideals that led the way to a shameful historic leveling over of our nation’s… Full Transcript
From Katrina to Ferguson
It’s been 10 years since the watery carnage of Katrina, and 1 year since the fiery rage lit the night skies of Ferguson Missouri, and between the two harrowing events lay the state of Black… Full Transcript
A Message to the Black Lives Matter Movement II
Two Fergusons
War on The Poor
In every phase and facet of national life, there’s a war being waged on America’s poor. In social policy, poor mothers are targeted for criminal sanctions for acts, if committed by mothers of higher economic… Full Transcript