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The Fruit of a Poisonous Tree
In legal theory there is something known as ‘the -fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree’ doctrine, which holds that an illegal search, arrest or interrogation ‘poisons’ -or taints – all that follows, and as such, it may not be used… Full Transcript
Clintonism Laid Bare
Bill Clinton, perhaps the best raw political animal of his generation, said a mouthful recently, especially when he confronted activists from the ubiquitous Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. There, the primary political architect of the… Full Transcript
Ehrlichman: War on Drugs Really War on Blacks and Hippies
For the youth of today, the name John Ehrlichman rings no bells. For people who lived through the ’60s, it is either famous or notorious. The name references a former high-ranking member of the White… Full Transcript
Judicial Fury
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Montgomery v. Louisiana decision, ruled that its earlier 2012 ruling in the Miller v. Alabama case, (limiting life sentences when it came to juvenile defendants) was indeed retroactive… Full Transcript
A Radical Revolution of Values
Occupy and Expose
President Obama 13th Amendment
The Hardest Time
Speech to the National Convention of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Immigration Policy is Mass Incarcaration
Since the re-election of President Barack Obama to the White Hose, there has been a gearing up to possibly introduce an Immigration Reform Bill to Congress for its enactment as statutory law, but what says… Full Transcript
Electing Enemies
The U.S. Presidential elections are over a year from now, but if you relied on national media accounts, you’d think that they were all but imminent. But this isn’t the elections; it’s like an obstacle… Full Transcript
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