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Ehrlichman: War on Drugs Really War on Blacks and Hippies

Mumia Abu-Jamal

For the youth of today, the name John Ehrlichman rings no bells. For people who lived through the ’60s, it is either famous or notorious. The name references a former high-ranking member of the White… Full Transcript

Last of the Angola Three: Free

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Several days ago, Albert Woodfox, the last of the Angola 3, walked free. Albert Woodfox has the dubious distinction of having spent 43 years in the Hole — solitary confinement– in the infamous prison farm… Full Transcript

MLK Enemy of the State

Mumia Abu-Jamal

The name, Martin Luther King, Jr., has become an American talisman. Politicians, who have spent their entire careers ignoring or attacking the lives, rights or interests of African-Americans, erupt in praise of King, some even… Full Transcript

The Genius of Huey P. Newton

Mumia Abu-Jamal

To those of us who were alive – and sentient, the name Huey P. Newton evokes an era of mass resistance, of Black popular protest and of the rise of revolutionary organizations across the land.… Full Transcript

The Nation of Islam Calls for Million Man March to Demand Justice or Else

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

The National Representative of the Nation of Islam, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, has called on African American, Latino/ a Native American, and Caucasian peoples to attend the coming October 10th gathering of the 20th… Full Transcript

Madiba Nelson Mandela

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

On December 5, 2003, former political prisoner and former South African President Nelson Mandela—affectionately referred to as “Madiba” (Father) by the South African people—has made his transition to the other side to be with our… Full Transcript

Seeds of Wisdom

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“Thirty to a hundred, years no more, free MOVE now, open up the door!” A marcher’s chant. To hear news accounts, their numbers weren’t impressive, with less than fifty marchers participating in a May 13,… Full Transcript