How are you all doing out there fellow citizens and travelers? This is Faluch Bigsby. Today I want to ask you, is it conspiracy or fact, you tell me. There’s a lot of you that reach out and ask questions, so I just want to run down a few situations and scenarios to ask you whether or not, if it’s fact or conspiracy.
Hence, the JFK (President John F. Kennedy) situation, right? For many years, everybody had to clarify this as a conspiracy. They spoke on it, they had all their different ideas and views, and then when this President got into office, Mr. Trump, he released some documents that proved that there was two shooters. Now, throughout all the years, there was multiple people that always said that there was two shooters. Everybody said it was a conspiracy, and everybody tried to say that there was no cover up. Well, now it’s been revealed that there was.
So, hence, usually, when people say that it’s a conspiracy, it’s because either a) they know that something hanky happened and they don’t want to admit to it because they don’t want to believe that they live in a world where our government would do that, or b) they really don’t know and they’re following in blind faith, or c) the situation is that they just don’t have the information and they don’t care. So basically, we got to be very careful whenever we throw out comments saying conspiracy or and so forth, because sometimes there’s some truth behind those people that we think are crazy.
And I want to give you a personal experience. Since I’ve been in Allen Correctional Unit, all those that have been following me and follow my story, you know that I was at Madison and I had a nexus on some of the staff members from Toledo that were paid, that were involved in a court case with me, with a drug case with my mother, and so forth. Long story short, my mother passed away due to a heart attack, so on.
Well, these individuals transferred and work at the prison I’m at. I have documents, court cases, FBI reports, hospital reports, a mental health evaluation approved and everything, and all the evidence I said was true, and the case got dismissed based on the evidence that was found. Well, I get here, this guy scrubbed my file, all that stuff was removed, and then I go to report it, and they tell me that it’s a conspiracy. Well, the point is, I’ve already proven my case again, yet here – but because people don’t like to believe that things are happening within their system or their government, it’s easier to just say somebody’s crazy or not.
Mental health is a real thing. We don’t need to confuse conspiracy, facts, and so forth with mental health issues. There’s a lot of people that need help, and I think that we should raise more awareness for true mental health issues and stop hiding the truth. With that, this is Faluch Bigsby. God bless.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.