This is Mr. Jenkins calling from Corcoran State Prison. And today, today’s topic is: “How Do You Know You Are Somebody?” Reason why I picked this topic is because a lot of us doesn’t, in the prison system, inside like that, doesn’t know that we are somebody. We feel that we’re not. We feel that we’re not, we’re not special. We, we just the average person, that had just, what they said, nobody. But sometimes we could get mixed message that says we are nobody, but we are somebody.
To order to be somebody you, you know who you are. You know that you was born as somebody. You just doesn’t come up and say, I’m somebody, but you know you are somebody. You are somebody special. You are somebody’s son. You are somebody’s daughter, husband, a wife. Out there in society, they doesn’t look at it like that. They say, well, you just got a person that’s nobody. How do they know that, they doesn’t know the person. They never met the person. They never took time out to to to get to know that person. So you doesn’t know somebody is somebody, until you really meet them, until you really talk to them.
And just like being in the politician a little bit, we are going to put it, who’s all about who’s this and who’s that. Who’s somebody, who is not somebody. We throw dirt on each other, oh he doesn’t deserve uh, you know, he’s nobody. Oh, well, that’s nobody’s got things going for him. So a person that say things like that doesn’t have any or more, no understanding what they said it, why they said it, they just go on. It’s like being a tag along. We go on what somebody else say. We go on, what somebody else do. Now when a person say that person is nobody, that person is talking about his self because he feel like that to himself and other people that told him that, and he go on with that. But in the prison system, a lot of prisoners do tell the prison that and a lot of them really believe that.
You don’t believe everything you hear. You always be alert. Don’t let somebody dictate and tell you that you are not somebody because you are, you are somebody. You are somebody special. So my thing is this, be alert to what you say, to other people say to you also, and watch what you say to some people, and let them watch what other people say to you. And when they dictate things like that, ‘you are not somebody’ and ‘you are this’, don’t listen to that. On the opposite side, throw it on the opposite side, throw it back to ’em. And no, I am somebody. You might not think I am, but I am somebody, and that as good enough for me and good enough for the man upstairs or we say. So with that is, be, just be you. Be who you are. Be you. Trust yourself and believe in yourself that you are special and you are somebody, and make sure that you acknowledge that. And sometimes go to the mirror and ask yourself if you don’t believe it. Because you are somebody, and you will always be somebody in your eyes and in your family eyes.
So this is Mr. Jenkins, man of God, bless you. Have a great day and always treat people the way you want to be treated.You can hear more on my broadcast on, and still you can write me at Mr. Jenkins, BM4522, 4B-3R-C-58, PO Box 3481, Corcoran, California, 93212, and I will respond, and I hope that you do get a chance to listen to it, and next week it will be “What Makes You a Good Father,” because that’s a good topic, topic that a lot of young men and women need to know. But anyway, bless you, God bless you, and have a great day, and I will talk to you next week, and hopefully that you listening to my broadcast and find one that you really like and write the response. Thank you and have a nice day.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.