Prison Radio
Mumia Abu-Jamal

It is a tale of the times that America’s highest court, the Supreme Court, could rule on the controversial issue of immigration, and both sides could claim victory.

If ever one wondered if the court was a profoundly political institution (if one could dare question after the Bush vs. Gore debacle), Arizona v. United States provides us abundant ammunition Air Jordan 1 Retro High Top 3 in the affirmative.

For the court, 5-3, struck down 3 of 4 state initiatives, saying the Arizona laws encroached on federal jurisdiction.

And yet, the Court let stand, with qualifications, the fourth most controversial law: the so called ‘Show Me Your Papers’ program.

Thus, state and county law enforcement personnel can, for the time being at least, stop anyone suspected of being in violation of a law or statute, and (by the way) inquire into that suspect’s immigration status.

And who do you think are ‘the usual suspects?’

Canadians? Irish? Basques?


We all know that this law was based on one thing, and one thing only; forcing Hispanics out of the sphere of work, and hopefully, out of Arizona.

It’s based on the fear of a brown state.

Nothing else makes sense.

Many Americans, especially white Americans, are terrified of the nation’s fastest growing minority. They fear that these 50+ million people will forever transform the nation of their memories.

That was the genesis of Arizona’s SB 1070.

It’s behind the ‘Show Me Your Papers’ provision in that Act; and that’s why the Supremes gave it a pass.


And it ain’t over.