For decades, the Oakland Police Department (OPD) has been the focus of fear.
Fear because the agency, which years ago recruited heavily from the South, had people on staff that used their office to further their hatreds of Blacks in a long and bitter habit of repression and violence.
For a brief time, the Black Panther Party put a crimp into their strut, as it became a local, and then national, presence of resistance to their repeated assaults on Black Oaklanders.
But the Black Panther Party is no more, and the repression has come surging back.
The family of Alan Blueford know that reality all too well, for on May 6, 2012, the 18-year old was shot and killed by the OPD’s Miguel Masso.
Alan was one of countless youngsters forced to submit to the outrageous ‘stop & frisk’ tactics. Alan, rightly, was afraid of such contact, and following his instincts, took flight.
Masso chased him.
Masso killed him.
Now, the parents of Alan; Adam and and Jeralynn Blueford, are demanding answers; and all they’re getting is lies.
The story of what happened has changed at least half a dozen times, and Oakland’s political officials have promised much, and delivered nothing.
For, forced to support those who voted for them and the OPD, they invariably opt for the latter. Thus, from the people that are sworn to represent them, they get evasion – or worse, silence.
For the OPD has money and power – and when have you seen any politician turn their backs on this combination?
As for the family, they continue to organize resistance to this campaign of repression.
You can join that campaign at: