They are called the Dallas 6 – and we ain’t talking about Texas.
Dallas, in Pennsylvania, is one of nearly 30 prisons in the state, located in its rural outback. The 6 are young Black men who, in 2010, tried to stage a peaceful protest in the prison’s “hole’, or its solitary confinement unit.
They were moved to such protest after witnessing another prisoner, Isaac Sanchez, being strapped into a torture chair (prison officials call it a ‘restraint chair’) for hours – even overnight. When guards threatened to do the same to them, the men tried to cover their cell doors with their bedding – and refused to leave their cell, in an effort to protect themselves.
The guards armed themselves with batons and electrified equipment, and they stormed the 6 cells, leaving the men beaten, bloody, naked, eyes burning, their flesh seared with pepper spray.
All of the guards later admitted they suffered no injuries. How could they? They wore black body armor and helmets – what prisoners call ‘star wars’ garb.
After some of the men filed grievances and civil suits, the DA replied with criminal charges, and on November 10, 2014, the men will be marched into Luzerne County Courthouse, in Wilkes-Barre, PA, to face ‘riot’ charges.
They were gassed, they were beaten, they were tasered and zapped with electro-shields – and they face riot charges!
It should be noted that this is the same county where judges took money to send kids to jail; where no one reported their monstrous actions – not even the DA! – for nearly a decade!
The Dallas 6: Andre Jacobs, Anthony Kelley, Carrington Keys, Anthony Locke, Dwayne Peters and Derrick Stanley – are potentially facing more prison time – for refusing to submit to torture, for men have died, in America, while strapped into the torture chair.
Should they have meekly submitted to torture – like sheep to the slaughter?
For more information on the Dallas 6, go to:
Help the Dallas 6 stand for justice and human rights!