Greetings citizens! This is me, Faluch Bigsby, the author of God Uses Gangsters. Today, I want to talk a little bit about violence, people, perception, and so forth. I’m going to read a little something from my book, “I laid there covered in blood. I was stabbed seven times in the back, twice in the head. I had 17 stab wounds total throughout my body, and I heard a voice that told me to get up and walk.”
From that incident, from there, I knew that there had to be a higher power. Right? That’s what brought me to understand that there is a God, and even though that it took an act of violence for me to understand that God had his hand of protection upon me, it hasn’t gotten any easier just because I became a Christian and realized that there is a Creator. And sometimes we don’t have what we think we have invested in other people. Sometimes you have to walk this road alone, which goes to this quote that I’m going to read that came from this lady here at the prison named Miss Robinson,”Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of strength. However, there are times in life in which it takes much more strength to just let go.”
Basically, if people aren’t headed in the same direction as you and aren’t trying to help you and aren’t trying to do the things that it takes, sometimes you just have to let go, because sometimes they can become a weight. And sometimes it’s better to walk alone and stand alone than it is to hold on to people that mean you no good, that aren’t headed in the same direction as you. And understand that the Bible says there’s a season for everything. Sometimes there’s people that are going to be lifelong friends. Sometimes there’s people that it’s only going to be there for a short period. The thing is, is that we need to invest ourselves, be a good person to those that are around no matter what got us there, whether it be violence or an act of compassion, whatever it is that brought us through the spectrum to understand that there’s a Creator and that we should be giving and paying it forward, whatever brought us here, we’re all good people, once you get into the alignment of that, and that’s what matters. And if those people decide to move on in your life, whether it be a good thing or a bad thing, we got to understand that that’s just the way it is, and you can’t hold on to people that aren’t trying to be held. With that, I say, God bless. This is today’s message. Faluch Bigsby, signing off.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.