By Kevin “Rashid” Johnson
When you combine an attention-seeking and drama-prone white woman who has a racist sense of entitlement over people of color with a hip shooting occupation that routinely captures, beats and lynches people of color, you have a distressing combination. Indeed a downright deadly one.
From the Miss Annes of the slavery and Jim Crow eras, to the Beckys of the 1990s, to today’s Karens, these white women are particularly problematic. Often sensitive to the fact that they are themselves victims of an oppressive system of white male dominance and gendered subjugation, these women use their own skin privilege to oppress and demand subjugation of other victims of this racialized white male dominated social order, particularly Black and Brown people.
Often these women saw Black women as their rivals, wanting to demand sexual entitlement to and subjugation of Black males. Black women justifiably coined the pejorative terms Miss Anne, Becky and Karen to identify these women.
During the Jim Crow era many Black males were lynched on account of these women’s sexual exploits of them, which often turned into false accusations of rape or undesired sexual advances when they were caught or believed they were suspected by other whites of having sexual relations with a Black man. They were often the most vocal in inciting and riling white males up to act out barbaric violence against them such as lynchings. Many swelled with a sense of power at these displays of violent white male ‘protectionism.’ Which is the arrogance behind these women’s sense of entitlement in relation to Black people and has led to a number of them in modern times being knocked on their asses by Black women in the street. They invite the drama, but seldom fight back. Instead they fawn and cry in feigned outrage at the audacity of a Black person’s taking offense to them and daring to go upside their head, looking around for white male (police) intervenion. One finds many videos of such encounters on social media platforms.
Essentially Karen are bullies and cowards, who like most bullies have been victimized themselves and instead of standing up to their own oppressor they look to abuse someone in a more oppressed or weaker station than them. Most pigs are bullies.
So what happens when Karens become prison guards and cops? Again, it’s a distressing and downright deadly combination.
In fact I had a recent run-in with a prison guard Karen. A pig here at Va’s Keen Mountain prison.
On January 1, 2025 our general population cellblock was called for outside recreation. I went out ahead of others in my block and upon reaching the rec yard, was called by a brotha named Zu on an adjacent yard. I went over and we struck up a conversation about some legal matters.
Out of nowhere this guard B. Sater, a tiny white woman with cheaply dyed platinum blonde hair, comes storming across the rec yard towards me yelling something. Zu alerts me to her approach and tells me that I’m probably on the wrong rec yard, which I didn’t know because I was new to the prison, and no one directed my block to go to any particular yard. I simply went to the one that had an open gate.
Anyway here comes this little white woman, she’s no more than 5 feet tall 110lbs soaking wet. The first thing I make out that she’s saying is, “Aren’t you on the wrong fucking yard?!”
I’m not accustomed to pigs disrespecting me. Most know that doing this likely means a physical reaction. So I look at her sideways and ask who she’s talking to.
“I’m talking to you!”
She then goes in, calling me “stupid motherfuckers,” “old dumb ass,” and more.
I’m two seconds off her case, but keep looking at this tiny white redneck Karen, who’s making a point of putting on this display with two white male guards standing just a few feet away with two attack dogs barking and lunging towards me against their leashes. She’s obviously showing off and playing to the old racist notion that the white men will come savagely to the defense of a white woman being menaced by a Black man.
I turn on her and curse her out in return inviting a reaction. While I stood to gain nothing from responding physically to a tiny woman with a reckless mouth, I wanted her and her peers to understand that I was not in the least impressed nor intimidated by their provocative and threatening display. I’ve had many physical run-ins with canines in Va’s prisons and it never turned out good for the animals.
Before long a lieutenant comes over and politely asks if I’m still housed in the A-1 cellblock.
“I am,” I answer.
He gently inserted himself between me and this Karen and walks me back to my block. During this time she asks him who I am, apparently unaccustomed to a prisoner not backing down under threat of their dogs and believed entitled power. He tells her he’ll talk to her in a moment while moving to deescalate the situation.
This Karen pig was trying to incite a situation where I’d be attacked by her peers with canines, in fact she challenged me several times to, “Do something!”
“Do what?” I asked, “you’re no bigger than a child.”
But this exemplifies how Karens behave and the efforts of one in a pig uniform who attempted to incite a situation where I could be ‘justifiably’ assaulted by multiple attack dogs and guards under the pretense that I had acted violently against a tiny helpless white female guard. That would have been the spin. Black folks know the scenario. Thousands of our forefathers were murdered by white mobs under similar circumstances.
From Miss Anne to Becky to Karen, it’s the same shit different toilet.
Dare to Struggle Dare to Win!
All Power to the People!