Prison Radio
  • 54 years old
  • 36 years of incarceration
  • Free!

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  2. Contact Info
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Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall has published 127 commentaries. Latest commentaries:
Title Duration Date
The Cost Benefit of Support PA Senate Bill 942 03:11 12/15/19
Thanksgiving Must Die 02:37 12/01/19
Victim’s Message to Governor Wolf 03:19 11/10/19
Constitutional Amendment for Colonial Crimes 03:03 11/10/19
Even the Koch Institute Has a Presidential Pardon List of Thousands of Prisoners 02:23 09/23/19
Linking Movements 03:16 10/14/18
To Free or Not To Free 02:12 09/24/18
For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again 02:47 09/24/18
PA DOC Juvenile Lifers Initiative Excels Under Robert Hammond 04:51 09/23/18
Reality Winner American Hero 03:44 08/27/18
Prisoners ID Data Leak 02:47 08/27/18
Facebook Censors Shakaboona 03:14 07/15/18
Malcom Jenkins and Presidential Pardons 02:32 07/08/18
NFL Players Adopt a Federal Prison 02:27 07/02/18
There Is Nothing Like the Human Rights Coalition 02:24 06/03/18
Jondhi Harrell Doesn’t Speak for PA Lifer Prisoners 02:22 05/27/18
White Hate Groups Cause Terror in Charlottesville 02:48 08/20/17
Criminal Cops Caught Red Handed 02:39 08/20/17
President Trump At War With The World 02:51 08/20/17
Philly Courts to Give Sham Resentencing Hearing 02:05 07/17/17
Duplicitous Batts II Decision 02:17 07/02/17
Batts II: An Atrocity Towards Children 02:14 07/02/17
Is the US Government Assassinating Black Youth Leaders of the Ferguson Rebellion? 03:36 06/23/17
Philly Judges Seek Legal Lynching of Child Lifer 03:40 06/19/17
Honoring Oscar Lopez Rivera 02:53 06/18/17
Larry Krasner, The People’s Champ 03:29 06/05/17
Millions March For Prisoners on D.C. 03:37 06/05/17
Palestinian Prisoners: Your Hunger is Resistance 02:37 05/21/17
America Is Watching Israel’s Prisons 02:32 05/21/17
Prisoner’s Families Give Krasner the Win 03:12 05/21/17
American Jewish Lobbies’ Chickens Come Home to Roost 03:18 03/17/17
Trump Conspiring 03:44 03/13/17
Trump Russian Backed 03:11 03/13/17
Jerry Sandusky: Like Father, Like Son 02:26 03/01/17
President Trump Will Not Reach Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal 02:42 03/01/17
President Trump’s Game of Lies 02:34 02/03/17
SCI RockView Restricts Phone Access 02:59 01/31/17
Women’s March 03:04 01/27/17
Why US Media Refuse to call Dylann Roof a Terrorist 02:45 01/18/17
PA Parole Chairman Rejects Special Protections for Child Lifer Prisoners 02:54 01/18/17
Court Injunction Granted to Mumia Abu-Jamal for Hep C Curative Treatment 02:07 01/18/17
El Comadante Fidel Castro, Presidente 04:47 12/02/16
Family Day Program Fails to Deliver 03:25 11/30/16
White Supremacist Controlling the White House 02:27 11/30/16
Elections by the Numbers 03:15 11/15/16
Hillary Clinton and the DNC are to Blame 02:50 11/11/16
Juvenile Lifer Project: Symbol without Substance 04:48 10/04/16
Denial of Transfer Prevents Representation 04:54 10/04/16
Courts Ruling in Mumia Exposes PA Dept of Corrections’ Modern Tuskeegee Experiment 03:29 09/13/16
PA Federal Judge Says Re-sentencing To 35-Years-to-Life is Illegal 02:47 09/01/16
Philly DA Seth Williams Blocked Child Lifers’ Path to Freedom 02:46 09/01/16
Donald Trump: Genius or Idiot? 02:59 08/23/16
Chickens Coming Home to Roost 02:55 07/11/16
A Silent War Being Waged on African Americans 03:01 07/11/16
Why Black and Latino Americans Won’t Vote for Trump or the Republican Party 02:47 06/30/16
House Bill 2135 and Parole Eligibility for Life Sentence Prisoners 04:18 06/30/16
Philly District Attorney Trades One Illegal Sentence For Another 03:49 06/20/16
PA Parole Board Lags Behind In Reform for Child Lifers 03:54 06/15/16
PA Parole Board Refuses to Reform How They Review Child Lifer Prisoners for Parole Release 02:38 05/26/16
America’s So-Called Humanitarian Intervention Wars are an Utter Failure 03:15 05/25/16
Add One Million American Jobs by Abolishing Prison Corporations 02:14 05/13/16
Prisoners Can Pay Taxes but Can’t Vote 02:25 05/13/16
The US Government’s Conspiracy to Destroy Black Communities 04:02 04/29/16
PA Courts and DAs are Hellbent on Railroading 500 Child Lifers at Sentencing 03:23 03/29/16
Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall: Why Prison Radio Matters 00:34 03/25/16
President Barack Obama Blunders Supreme Court Nomination and Rejects Black Democratic Base 03:28 03/21/16
Mandatory Life Without Parole May Violate 8th Amendment Under Miller 05:12 02/25/16
Pennsylvania Courts Must Extend Parole to 550 Child Offenders Serving Life Without Parole Sentences 04:05 02/17/16
Supreme Court Declares Miller Retroactive to All Children Sentenced to Life Without Parole 03:19 02/17/16
Pennsylvania Need Not Create a New Law to Parole 550 Child Lifer Prisoners 02:59 02/05/16
A Summary Review of the Supreme Court’s Montgomery Decision 04:00 02/04/16
Kerry Shakaboona Marshall Reacts to Supreme Decision Interviewed by Noelle Hanrahan 01:00 01/26/16
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Rotten System Must Go 03:23 01/26/16
A Black National Party is Needed 03:52 01/26/16
Michigan Governor Snyder’s Criminal Acts of Environmental Racism 03:26 01/26/16
Oklahoma’s Rapist Police Officer 03:22 01/05/16
A Radical Revolution of Values 03:59 01/05/16
Occupy and Expose 02:44 01/04/16
President Obama 13th Amendment 03:03 01/04/16
Black Lives Matter Ramps Up Civil Resistance 03:36 01/01/16
The Department of Justice Can’t Give Justice to Black People 03:55 01/01/16
US Supreme Court Oks Life for Kids 02:30 11/03/15
Prison Censoring Thought Control Police 03:30 11/03/15
Immigration Policy is Mass Incarcaration 02:41 10/27/15
Save Kerry Shakaboona Marshall PSA 01:28 10/23/15
Justice or Else 02:38 10/21/15
The PA DOC Asssassination Attempt 04:38 10/12/15
The Nation of Islam Calls for Million Man March to Demand Justice or Else 03:12 08/30/15
Lethal Substandard Medical Care Provided in the PA DOC 05:02 08/19/15
Madiba Nelson Mandela 03:17 08/19/15
Two Fergusons 02:58 08/10/15
Inadequate Medical Treatment in the PA Dept of Corrections 02:29 07/29/15
Medical Homicide of Prisoners in the PA Dept of Corrections 02:29 07/28/15
Prison Health Care is Death Care 04:14 07/19/15
Outside Agitators 03:33 06/12/15
The Fallacy of Peaceful Protests 03:13 06/08/15
5 Reasons to Abolish Death by Incarceration 06:15 06/06/15
June 6th Rally 02:31 06/05/15
Decarcerate Rally Harrisburg May 4th 03:33 05/04/15
The Day the Philly Police Bombed MOVE 02:26 04/09/15
A Small Victory 03:53 03/23/15
President Obama at Selma 04:08 03/22/15
Welcome to the Movement 03:47 03/08/15
PA Department of Corrections Targets Prison Radio 04:47 03/08/15
Denver Police Murder Jessica Hernandez 03:10 02/23/15
Dallas Six 04:25 02/22/15
The United States Constitution Permits Slavery 03:10 01/17/15
How To Get Away With Murder 03:55 01/10/15
US Congress Rejects CIA Torture 03:14 01/09/15
The Illusion of the Right to Peaceably Assemble 03:18 12/11/14
Ferguson’s Protest Signs 03:09 12/10/14
Images From Ferguson 02:30 11/22/14
Yuri Kochiyama: A Wonderful Friend 03:05 11/21/14
Mumia Gag Law Challenged in Federal Court 03:43 11/19/14
PA Politicians Pass Mumia Gag Law 03:22 11/19/14
Ferguson’s Protest Signs 03:19 11/15/14
America’s Race Problem 03:57 08/26/14
U.S. Department of Justice Downplays Institutional Racism at Shelby County Juvenile Court 04:07 08/25/14
Can America Deny Collective Human Rights? 02:58 08/20/14
The Palestianization of Blacks in the U.S. 03:45 08/20/14
Children Don’t Matter 03:18 04/12/14
Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice 02:53 04/12/14
America Stands Alone 03:06 04/12/14
Is The NSA Above the Law? 03:49 01/16/14
An American Amnesty Law For All Political Prisoners 02:49 01/16/14
Mass. Supreme Court Abolishes Life for Children 04:03 01/16/14
Abolitionist Law Center Files Lawsuit Over Censorship 06:31 01/15/14

Contact Info

Kerry Shakaboona Marshall

Support Info

Patricia Vickers 267-331-6001 Human Rights Coalition

Bret Grote, Esq. 412-654-9070 Abolitionist Law Center

“You are your own liberators and always remember: when you’re right, you can always fight. And when you wrong, you can never be strong. Imagine a brand new world in which we can all live in together and bring into existence. Together we will win.”



Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall is currently located at FCI Williamsburg. He is a human rights activist co-heading the Human Rights Coalition and Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration. In addition, he is a council member of Decarcerate PA and has held various liaison positions in SCI-Graterford and SCI-Mahanoy. He is also a founder and editor of The Movement magazine and a published correspondent for various media outlets like Prison Radio, Socialist Viewpoint, San Francsico Bay View, and Workers World. 

In 1998, when he was only 17 years old, Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall was forced to serve a sentence to life without parole. He spent the next three decades fighting for his freedom within the walls. While in prison, he became politicized and strove to be a leading example for his peers. “This human rights activist, this brilliant mind, this person defied all odds and transformed himself against and in defiance of everything within the prison system and in his prison experience that wanted to corrupt him and drag him into the prison culture. He fought against that and is a shining example of the human capacity for transformation and redemption,” said Kempis Songster, another human rights activist recently paroled. In 2012, after the Supreme Court ruled that life without parole was unconstitutional, Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall was re-sentenced to 29-to-life and was made eligible for parole release.

In May 2022, Shakaboona came home.


Title Date

Shakaboona resentenced: Freedom is near

Statement in Opposition to Pennsylvania’s Prison expansion from imprisoned activist Kerry Shakaboona Marshall

“People Change, People Change the World” exhibit and assembly celebrates human rights activism by people in prison