Prison Radio

The Awakening

Izell Robinson

The Awakening. Toxin vibrating through our ears. Are we woke enough to hear? No doubt. For us to awaken some elite fear. They rather us sleep. That’s clear. But I ask, Are you awoke for… Full Transcript

Assassination Attempts against Mumia Abu-Jamal

Watch the interview on Black Power Media here Pam Africa (advocate/activist), Noel Hanrahan (JD), Ricardo Alvarez (MD) interviewed by Kalonji Changa (BPM/RSTV Founder), Joy James (author/GIU) February 12, 2024, GIU Kalonji Changa (KC):  Peace good… Read More

#4 Christmas Revisited

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Marc Lamont Hill: Peace, everybody. You listening to The Classroom and The Cell Podcast with Marc Lamont  Hill and with me is … Mumia Abu-Jamal: Mumia Abu-Jamal.  Marc Lamont Hill: Man, I don’t know how… Full Transcript

Mumia Library

The Power of the Word! Add libratory education to your gift-giving. Revolutionary works at Prison Radio! Pick any one of the 13 books that Mumia Abu-Jamal has written. Mumia is in print because of the “tiny but mighty” Prison Radio.… Read More