DeAngelo Betts again 265332. Michigan Department of Correction. I’m alone in maximum right now. And still in segregation, been in segregation since November 2022. And they continue to use my mental illness–bipolar disorder–as a handicap and use it to keep me in these programs. “He’s not progressing,” you know what I’m saying? So, segregation, they using, clandestine reasons to keep certain guys in segregation. I guess my file warrants it. Even though I’ve had no staff assaults in almost 13 years, they still continue to use my files against me and keep me in the hole.
Anyway, so I want everybody to know that like it’s not just so much about what we’re doing right now, so much what they got [stutter] what they’re doing to me, they’re using my mental illness and my diagnosis. All I do is take medication, I get no recreation, can’t get no [stutter] nothing else, no phone call but once a week. Just gonna call it right now, I’m still locked in my door in seg.
Hear me out there – My name’s DeAngelo Betts. Number 265332. Currently located alone in maximum, alone in Michigan, now 24 hours a day.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.