Prison Radio
Darren Stanley (KnowledgeBorn GodAllah)

Okay, peace. This is KnowledgeBorn GodAllah calling from CSP [California State Prison] Solano. You know what I’m saying. I appreciate my listeners and I appreciate this radio station. I appreciate Noelle and my main man Tommy and everybody else. I appreciate all y’all at this radio station for allowing us to have this voice. I was trying to put together something for the likes of our group here in CSP Solano, so they would have a voice, but unfortunately, a lot of people are not able to share in the light of speaking to people in society, so we appreciate all the listeners and those that can help us with these groups and organizations coming in to CSP Solano. It would be greatly appreciated. We also have a religious program here that is very under-par. The religious program activities is very under-par. There’s no outside organizations, no outside none of it – no Catholic, no Jewish, no Islam, no Al-Islam, none of… nobody coming in off the streets or outside organizations helping with celebrations, helping with… just co-mingling with the people to give the people a sense of humanity.

There’s none of that happening here, so it would be greatly appreciated if those people could actually look into the religious programming activity here and see if y’all can boost the morale of the people here, and in turn, celebrate life with the people. You know what I’m saying, and me being a Five Percenter Nation of Gods and Earths, I thank the Gods and Earths, Five Percenters, for standing by me. I thank all Five Percenters, all of Nation of Gods and Earths for building with me and standing by me. And I say to y’all – I salute y’all, I say to y’all peace. Thank you very much. And everyone that is not a Five Percenter and all of civilized people, Muslim and Muslim besides, thank you, and I appreciate y’all, take care. Peace.

These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.