Peace. It’s KnowledgeBorn GodAllah calling from Solano State Prison. You know, I let my viewers know, I let all y’all know, that I’m off death row. I’ve been resentenced and I’m still in court so I’m still going to the federal court, which the federal judge Edward Chan say he gonna reverse my case completely. Which I should be at home within a few, maybe 6, 7, 8 months. Also I filed a racial injustice that fall, and that should be heard to vacate my whole sentence. So I wasn’t supposed to be on death row for no 33 years, let alone in prison.
Yet I’m on my way home now. I’m sitting in Solano Prison on my way to Oakland, California home. But at the same time I want my viewers to know that I love y’all and and I appreciate y’all and I will continue to run my podcast and have my podcasts and guest speakers can call in you know, you can connect with me online. You know, we can connect any kind of way you want.
Also, I’m building a Five Percent Nation of God’s Nurse program here in Solano along with the Office of Cultural Management, which is allow you justice divine Prince. I’ll be allowed mathematics in our region and our regional representative Shawn [last name unclear] yourself savior and so we building the program here. So all those that’s, you know I’m saying, are interested in how the program gonna go, you know, get at me, you know, call the station, you know, let them know you want to get in contact with me or contact me through the mail or contact me GTL or on my Instagram, my Youtube channel, KnowledgeBorn GodAllah, you know what I mean, and you know y’all take care. I’m gonna keep y’all updated. Right now I gotta go take care of some business. Make sure the other brother get his thing together. But I love you y’all you know, I’m saying I’m alive. I’m good. I’m healthy. I’m strong. And I’ll be home in a minute, you know what I mean, and for y’all take care keep your all head up for the day Mathematics is born. They Supreme Alphabet is Islam. So y’all know the business. Love y’all, take care. Peace.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.