Prison Radio
Faluch Bigsby

Greetings! How y’all doing in this lovely day? This is Faluch Bigsby, author of God Uses Gangsters. Today, I’d like to talk about a few things on the Royal Nation that I normally don’t do. I normally touch politics or some type of emotional instability that we need to focus on. Today, I will talk about peace treaties and organizations in the Midwest and Dirty South. 

I have been working extensively with some of the leads and tops in the state of Ohio that have reached out across the United States. And we have re-advised some old laws from the 80’s, that were originally implanted into some of the organizations to bring back more attention to baseball games and car washes, public service. The state of Ohio has just implemented, for some of the organizations that have signed on to this call for peace; everybody that is a part of this structure that we’re putting together will have to donate one day a week to the communities. So we’re implementing what we call the One Day Law, which is something that was from the 80’s, that lost its way along this path and we want to do it again.

We think that if we, as a collective, all decide to stop fighting each other and have a focus of peace, to where we come together in the community and work together to help outreach with the youth, that maybe we can build better roots of the next generation growing up together, to where the gangs aren’t separated and they just see that each other are people. That is our main focus right now in this state.

Almighty Simon City Royal [street and prison gang] has signed on, and been the lead for this, and they have used multiple other organizations that are in Ohio to come into the collective and that’s what we’re working on right now is to make peace and moving forward, that’s all it is. And anybody that doesn’t want us, or doesn’t want to be a part of this peace thing we have, all we’re saying is, “Okay, you do you, we do us.” So that’s where we’re at with it. We’re preaching non violence. And that’s where we’re at. 

And I’d like for everybody to be supportive to this. So if you ever see anybody in the community out trying to do a car wash, or talk to the kids, or get them into working on cars, or mowing lawns. Just know that that is us trying to bring a collective towards the future to where we can focus on the better things that we can do together as a team. Unity is a must. And for those that are against this, all I’m going to say is, this has been my mission for many years. And somebody left me with a quote here at the prison, Miss Robinson, and this is what I’ll leave you with: “If you are still alive, obviously your enemies failed.” With that I’m still alive, I’m here still preaching the gospel and unity of most all human beings. I love you, this has been Faluch Bigsby for A Royal Nation. God bless.

These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.