Hello, how you guys doing out there? Well, this is Faluch Bigsby, the author of God Uses Gangsters. I’ve been in Toledo Correctional probably two to three weeks now, and yes, a lot of things have happened. I’ve been to the hospital already, a little near death experience, which I’m healing up from.
They refused to make copies of my legal work for the court because my case got reopened, and I went up today to get some things copied, and they basically are being very, very obstinate on anything I’m trying to accomplish. But here’s where God comes into play, and the universe, and the good energy. Because I’m one of those people that I believe in energy. I believe you reap what you sow, and the things you put in come back to you. And I’ve got a lot of good will built up over my life, because I’ve done a lot of good for people. And even though, that I have negative energy coming against me that’s trying to prevent me from excelling in life, good things have still taken place. And this is what’s happened, and that I want to say, is the silver lining in my life.
Since I got away from Toledo for that year, I was able to network, correspond, reach out to a lot of people. And somebody contacted a college for me, and last week, I got a letter from a college that has accepted my case for actual innocence and they’re going to reopen it and do an investigation free of charge. Now, it’s 18 years past due, but it’s happening. And that just comes from the universe and people doing things for me that I had no clue that were even doing it. And I’ve written over 5,420 letters since I’ve been incarcerated to wrongful convictions in colleges and lawyers, and I’ve been stifled each time. And somehow., by the activist universe, it split open, and good energy just flowed my way.
So, the college is taking my case. A reporter is going to do a news story on my condo getting stolen, and she’s asked me to send her all the information so she can interview the people that was involved. And on top of that, the lady that runs my Facebook, her and her husband, they were able to contact one of the government agencies that can get the release of information for my case file from the embassy, from Belize, which will put me out the country at the time they say I was in Ohio committing a crime. And those documents have been filed, which collectively goes with the college stepping up all at once, which was not planned. It just so happens that the universe aligned in the right place at the right time for all the right things.
So, with that, this is what I’m going to take from that: No matter how much you have working against you, as long as you do the right thing, put the good energy out, look for good people, things will come to you. And eventually there’s going to be good people that step up to help you. And it’s — I’ve had 18 years of struggles, but now I finally connected and found some good people. So with that, just keep having faith. Know there’s good out there and goodwill. God bless you. This is Faluch Bigsby.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.