Prison Radio
Faluch Bigsby

Greetings. This is Faluch Bigsby, author of “God Uses Gangsters.” How you guys doing out there, citizens? Well, I have successfully been transferred to Toledo correctional unit. My new address is PO Box, 80033, Toledo, Ohio, 43068. 

I just got released from the hospital. I’m safe and well now. I have been dealing with some medical issues. I had two stab wounds to the stomach, which are now healing, and I have gotten to this unit, and hopefully I will go up for review and transfer. 

In other news, I wanted to shine some light on a few things going on in our politics. I don’t know if anybody’s been paying attention to Trump and Kamala Harris, but OAN News, One American News Station, has been doing a lot of sound bites and exposing on both sides, Republicans and Democrats, social media things where they’ve been fact checking a lot of stuff. Basically, I wanted to say that in politics, it’s both worshiping the same beast. They may have a few different agendas and a few different things, but the reality of it is none of it’s for the people. And I hope that you guys get to see how this election is going to tear us apart as Americans this year. No matter who wins, there’s going to be violence and corruption on both sides, and we, the people, need to wake up and realize that we have the power that we can make a difference, and we can change this. 

If we decide to make a third party, independent party, we can come up the middle and we can make a difference. And that’s what we need to start doing, is focusing on us and trying to get legislation to make laws that apply to us and help us. Thank you, and I just wanted to let my listeners know I’m safe. God bless you. 

These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.