Yo peace! This is KnowledgeBorn GodAllah, calling to stand in solidarity. I’m in Solano State Prison. And I want y’all to know that I just been joined into a group called the LWOP group. It’s a committee, a class, where Life-Without-Possibility-of-Parole individuals, inmates goes. I’m on general population on the 3 Yard, and A side. And I want y’all to know that I’m gonna be interviewing some of the individuals in the class because what we have is a problem. And the problem is we’re not receiving the information on the programs that Solano has written on their program sheet, that is available to anybody. All you have to do is download Google, www.google.com, maps and places, Solano State Prison, Solano, or call the main phone 707-451-0182.
So I’m gonna read y’all these programs that they have, and I’m gonna let y’all know we don’t get NONE of these programs. So you got the PIA which is a Book bindery, Laundry, Metal fabric, and Optical, these are these are the jobs in the program application. You got Vocational: you got Carpenter, Fiber optics, Electronic s, Masonry, Building Maintenance, Office Service and related technologies, Computer Literacy, and Residential Electric Welding. Academic: Adult Basic Education, GED; Literacy programs, College programs, Vocational Education programs. You got inmate leisure time activity groups: Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Alternatives to Violence Program, Re-enforcement, Alternatives to Violence Project, Workshop Basic Advice to keep well(?), Inside Gardens, Narcotics Anonymous, Top Tops for Ronald McDonald’s Charities, Veterans Entry Preparations, Youth Division programs, Outreach programs, Inmate self-help programs, A Step Closer, American Sign Language, Anger Management, Art Development, Artists Serving Humanity, Art technology techniques, Asatru Nine Step, Breaking Barriers, Bridges, Celebrity Recovery, Child Support Services, Cleaning System, Coffeehouse, Conflict Resolution, Recognition and Resolutions, Creative Conflict Resolutions, Criminal and Gang Anonymous, Cultural Awareness Organizations, Dental Management, Domestic Violence, Dysfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Family Support Group, Emotional Maturity, Entrepreneurship, Aptitude (?) Club, Facilitator Training, Facilitator Coordinated Training, Weights Workshop, Black Feelings, Framework of Recovery, Friday Night, Blacks Get on the Bus, Getting out, Going in, Going for Go, Growing up Male, Helping Men Recover, and Building Self-help programs, Book clubs, and Durango, learning languages through language software, and so on. There’s a lot of groups. There’s religious programming groups, too, twelve of ’em.
And these programs that I’m speaking of, we don’t have NONE of these programs available to the general population. They’re on paper, saying, ‘Okay, these programs work’. However you got inmates and buildings that are qualified to run the program, however we still need the outside groups, the outside community of those groups, to enjoin in the WHOLE general population, and not just Delancey Street.
Every time a group of people come in here, they go strictly to Delancey Street. Everybody is not qualified or able to be in Delancey Street. And Delancey Street is not the whole general population. And therefore, we’re asking those people of those groups, those outside reach programs, to be inclusive in the whole community as far as the general population here in Solano State Prison because we NEED that education and those informations in order to take to Board, so that we can be considered for parole.
However, we must educate ourselves on being productive citizens in society. These outreach programs are there for the general population, not just Delancey Street. And every time people come in here, they come in here and go strictly to Delancey street, and never to the general population. We need those people to go on each and every one of these buildings, which is six on the A side, seven on the B side, to talk to the individuals and the groups that are holding these, these inmates Self Help Program. Feed them information! Send them information! These programs are funded by the state government. They are on paper, they are getting funded, but yet we don’t get the benefits of the education, or the materials or communication with the people on the street.
This is KnowledgeBorn GodAllah calling from Solano State Prison. I am requesting all grassroot organizations to enjoin in this fight to get us the attention we need from the LWOP group that I am a part of, to the streets. We need this information and this productivity to remain in and obtain our humanity, to get to the Board, then get to the streets and to be productive humans and be productive citizens. Thank you. Y’all take care of y’allself.
Y’all need to holler at me, I’m on Facebook, I’m on Instagram, KnowledgeBorn GodAllah, ya understand. Put me on your GTL (?) contact, whatever. But our group is the LWOP group, and we need this attention. Thank you again, take care o’ yourself and be humble, be human, and be at peace. Peeaace!
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.