Prison Radio
Clifford Lea (Black Messiah)

Okay, the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has tried to sell the public on her running mate Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, as a competent leader of people. And to convince us of this and drive this point home, she started referring to Tim Walz as Coach Walz. And designating him with that title of coach can be very misleading, as he is not like Coach Eddie Robinson or Coach John Thompson or Coach Dawn Staley, Coach Pat Summit, Coach Nick Saban or Coach Tara Vanderveer, or any of the great coaches. They were also great leaders. Now, Coach Walz is more like Coach Calipari in that every exit comes with questionable timing and unmet expectations and obligations are left unfulfilled.

And any and all subsequent success is in spite of his incompetence and a direct result of the people, or the players, if you want to stick with the coaches thing. And when his leadership was really needed, he chose to aspire somewhere else. Well, I’ve done a scouting report on Coach Walz, and I like to shed light on some of his tendencies that include weak judgment, infected corporate corruption, and poor oversight, and you can decide if this is who you want to be the Vice President. 

The first thing I’d like to bring up is — I’m not sure if he doesn’t want to offend people or is just incompetent — where he doesn’t ask the minority groups the relevant questions that any leader should and would ask any and all groups. the Feeding our Future’s debacle is one of the biggest scams discovered from the pandemic. And I can say, well, coach, you at least you set a record. 

Over 250 million dollars in government funding was misappropriated. Now I’m not sure how a state with COVID restrictions would not catch wind of an organization that was feeding that many people and not check it out, especially at a time when food was scarce and a much needed resource. So if this organization was on the up and up, people could have been directed to it for assistance. And if it wasn’t, which it wasn’t, it could have been stopped a whole lot sooner. But I guess when you’re eating well, the hungry are irrelevant, so you kick your feet up and you mind your own damn business.

Number two: Now, waiting to call the National Guard for three days is the same as waiting until a house, or in Minnesota’s case, the police department and local businesses, have been burnt to the ground before calling the fire department. By the time the National Guard was deployed, the devastation and destruction was complete and there were only a few flames left to be extinguished. And the people of Minnesota suffered the most, as the majority of the agitators were from somewhere else. 

Now, after inaction from the government a mob mentality developed, and yes, some locals participated in the melee. But in the end, the people of Minnesota pulled together and repaired the damage while Coach Walz was squirreled away somewhere, minding his own damn business.  He didn’t even show up with a shovel or pretend to grab a hammer and do anything. He showed up wearing a flannel. He just didn’t put in no work like he should have been wearing a flannel. 

The, another thing, number three: The police departments in Minnesota have paid over $90 million in settlement claims during Coach Walz’s tenure, and the animosity between cops and civilians is at a all time high. Police morale is at an all time low. The only thing lower is a historically low number of officers currently employed by the state of Minnesota.

Coach Walz, that’s another record. And true to the nature of minding his own damn business, he’s done nothing to shorten the gulf of discourse between the public and the police. Actually, he’s trying to bail on that situation altogether, which may not be a bad thing, but I do believe there are more good officers than bad in most police departments, hopefully all. But bad apples, you know, can infect the immature and affect the perceptions of the whole with their actions.  Now I do believe if there had been faith in his leadership, someone would have reached out to him and maybe talked about some of the negative elements they were witnessing in police. But when the head of the state constantly tells you to mind your own damn business, how can they be faulted for following orders?

Number four: Whenever there’s an independent oversight committee assigned to audit state sponsored programs and organizations, massive breaches of protocol in or misappropriated government funding is uncovered. And this is the guy you think can handle the Vice President?  Like, to me this is like taking a paper plate, like say, Tim Walz is a paper plate. You take this paper plate to a backyard barbecue, you fill it up with deliciousness and good intentions, only to find out at the most inopportune moment, that paper plate was ill equipped for the job and everything that it was supporting crashed to the ground and never got a chance to fulfill its intended purpose. Now you want to take that same paper plate it couldn’t handle the backyard barbecue to a five star smokers board and expect success. And I’d like to know how. Because the backyard barbecue represents one state that’s the state of Minnesota. The smokers board is all 50 states and US territories, plus foreign diplomacy. 

Listen, anything other than visiting the State Fair and kissing the pigs is too much for this plate to handle man. And if the goods in Minnesota is a reflection of the people, which it is, then that would make the bad being orchestrated would make Coach Walz the conductor or incompetent.  But either way, Coach, we wish you luck in all your future endeavors, but we’re going to head in another direction.

And people brought up the lukewarm reception he got from his wife or gave to his wife. I’m not sure which way it went. Let’s just say it was neutral, but either way, the feel that it gave off was in separate bedroom vibes, which I guess is the marital equivalent of minding your own damn business. Which concerns some, as they feel the family dynamic translates into leadership, because just as the head of a household must make sure that those in their care are safe, able to grow, reach maturity and their full capabilities, so must any leader.

And just as it is a honor and a privilege to be the head of a household, the same is true for anyone being elected into any position. And when someone is elected into a national position, well, the American people become a part of their extended family. And to empower that family, one must make it viable to progress through effort and persistence. It must make opportunities available for the opportunistic, and they must not enable any force of action that will be a detriment to us progressing as a collective.

We’ve got to think to strengthen that family through togetherness and unity. And you can’t get that done by minding your own damn business. Plus, we’ve had enough of that from our current VP. So how about our elected officials fulfill their obligations and follow in the footsteps of the farmers that they constantly overlook and take for granted. 

And you don’t just plant your seed, but see it through to fruition, to where it’s not only harvested, but on the plate in front of you. I’m the voice of the people, and we will get this job done. Not in the office or in DC, not in the White House. I’m in a cell house, but with boots on the ground. And people are ready to kick some ass, and I am too. Let me be your boots and I’m a pair steel toes so we know they’re going to feel it. 

And I’m just getting started, and I don’t give a damn about the presidency, and I don’t care who’s the president. I care about the people. I care about the village of people. I care about us progressing as a collective, and I care about our souls. And it seems what I care about most, the elected officials seem like they don’t care about at all. I care about our tomorrows.  E pluribus unum. Out of many, came one – Black Messiah.

These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.