Lynne Stewart Needs Our Help by Jaan Laaman
My family and friends,
I have VERY serious and important information to share with you, and literally, a life saving request — task to ask of each of you.
My friend, our friend and sister, Lynne Stewart, is dying in a federal prison in Texas. I believe all of you are generally aware that Lynne was convicted under the infamous ‘Patriot Act’, for too vigorously defending her (Court appointed) client, Sheik Omar Rahman. She initially was given a 28 month sentence. The government appealed and her sentence was increased to 10 years. Just before Lynne went to prison, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. While still on bail, she successfully fought the cancer. But now, in the 4th year of her sentence, her cancer has come back and has spread to her lungs and back. She presently has ‘stage 4’ breast cancer.
Lynne is a wonderful person, a 73 year old woman, mother, grandmother, a fierce former Human Rights and criminal lawyer.
Under federal law, the 1984 Sentencing Act, courts can reduce sentences for “extraordinary and compelling” reasons such as terminal illness.
Lynne Stewart must be released from prison so she can get back to good quality, non-prison, healthcare in NY City, where she fought back her initial breast cancer. And back to the support, care and love of her family so she at least has a chance to fight her illness.
Federal law allows for this, but the Bureau of Prisons, and its’ boss the Justice Department, and the President, Barak Obama, must hear the voice of the people, asking and demanding that Lynne Stewart be released. Our voices in the thousands and tens of thousands must and can reach all the way up to the White House.
The task is really simple: PLEASE NOW go to: and sign the petition asking that she be given medical and compassionate release. THEN PLEASE, pass this information and message on, along with your own thought and note, to EVERYONE on your email/contact lists. Ask each and everyone of your people to also sign the Petition for Lynne Stewart’s Compassionate Release. And ALSO ask all of your friends/contacts to send this message on to everyone on their lists, along with their own request that these people also send the message on to everyone on their respective lists.
This, my friends, is a doable thing. It just takes each of us a little time to sign the petition and send on the message. We can save a life. We can do a good thing. Please, be part of this noble, positive and crucial life saving effort.
Lynne is a long time friend of mine. I love her like a sister, comrade and friend. She needs our help — thanks for doing the right thing.