Prison Radio
  • 76 years old
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Jaan Laaman has published 27 commentaries. Latest commentaries:
Title Duration Date
Thank You Sisters! 05:49 02/08/18
Farewell Thoughts to My Friend, Lynne Stewart 02:35 03/09/17
Running Down the Walls 2016 01:40 08/09/16
Lynne Stewart Reads “Prisoners Voices Blocked and Censorship of US Prisons” 03:39 06/17/16
Brief Thoughts on Antonin Scalia, Presidential Nominations and Republican Obstructionism 03:54 02/18/16
Holiday Message PDC 02:40 12/20/15
Statistics 05:06 10/13/15
Running Down the Walls 2015 02:11 08/19/15
Black August 2015 02:34 08/17/15
Stop The Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities 04:33 05/17/15

View All Commentaries by Jaan Laaman


Jaan Laaman is an activist who was arrested and incarcerated on several occasions for his revolutionary activities. For decades, he participated in several organizations like the United Freedom Front, the Students for a Democratic Society, the Black Panther Party, and the Puerto Rican Young Lords. He later received a 53-year-long sentence along with other members of the United Freedom Front on charges of seditious conspiracy, but he was relieved of that sentence in 2021 and freed. He has also contributed essays to the anthology This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA alongside many other political prisoners.


Title Date

This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA

Letter from Jaan Laaman in US prison

Defend Jaan Laaman: Political prisoner censored, segregated

Political prisoner Jaan Laaman is still being held in segregation

Jericho: Thoughts From Political Prisoners in Leavenworth

Attica: Looking Back 25 Years

NBC Slanders Freedom Fighter

Prisoners Support Guzman Defense

Artist Tom Manning is gone, freedom fighter for Blacks, Natives, workers and all oppressed people