Prison Radio
  • 54 years old
  • 36 years of incarceration
  • Free!

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  2. Contact Info
  3. Support Info
  4. Biography
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Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall has published 127 commentaries. Latest commentaries:
Title Duration Date
The Cost Benefit of Support PA Senate Bill 942 03:11 12/15/19
Thanksgiving Must Die 02:37 12/01/19
Victim’s Message to Governor Wolf 03:19 11/10/19
Constitutional Amendment for Colonial Crimes 03:03 11/10/19
Even the Koch Institute Has a Presidential Pardon List of Thousands of Prisoners 02:23 09/23/19
Linking Movements 03:16 10/14/18
To Free or Not To Free 02:12 09/24/18
For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again 02:47 09/24/18
PA DOC Juvenile Lifers Initiative Excels Under Robert Hammond 04:51 09/23/18
Reality Winner American Hero 03:44 08/27/18

View All Commentaries by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

Contact Info

Kerry Shakaboona Marshall

Support Info

Patricia Vickers 267-331-6001 Human Rights Coalition

Bret Grote, Esq. 412-654-9070 Abolitionist Law Center

“You are your own liberators and always remember: when you’re right, you can always fight. And when you wrong, you can never be strong. Imagine a brand new world in which we can all live in together and bring into existence. Together we will win.”



Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall is currently located at FCI Williamsburg. He is a human rights activist co-heading the Human Rights Coalition and Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration. In addition, he is a council member of Decarcerate PA and has held various liaison positions in SCI-Graterford and SCI-Mahanoy. He is also a founder and editor of The Movement magazine and a published correspondent for various media outlets like Prison Radio, Socialist Viewpoint, San Francsico Bay View, and Workers World. 

In 1998, when he was only 17 years old, Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall was forced to serve a sentence to life without parole. He spent the next three decades fighting for his freedom within the walls. While in prison, he became politicized and strove to be a leading example for his peers. “This human rights activist, this brilliant mind, this person defied all odds and transformed himself against and in defiance of everything within the prison system and in his prison experience that wanted to corrupt him and drag him into the prison culture. He fought against that and is a shining example of the human capacity for transformation and redemption,” said Kempis Songster, another human rights activist recently paroled. In 2012, after the Supreme Court ruled that life without parole was unconstitutional, Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall was re-sentenced to 29-to-life and was made eligible for parole release.

In May 2022, Shakaboona came home.


Title Date

Shakaboona resentenced: Freedom is near

Statement in Opposition to Pennsylvania’s Prison expansion from imprisoned activist Kerry Shakaboona Marshall

“People Change, People Change the World” exhibit and assembly celebrates human rights activism by people in prison