Prison Radio
  • 55 years old
  • 37 years of incarceration
  • Currently at Westville Control Unit

Table of Contents

  1. Commentaries
  2. Contact Info
  3. Biography
  4. Resources
  5. Gallery


Khalfani Malik Khaldun has published 40 commentaries. Latest commentaries:
Title Duration Date
Water Pressure and Wifi Access 08/13/23
Organized Political Defamation Crossing All Professional Lines (Text Only) 08/07/23
Health Update 07:22 04/28/23
Two Poems 02:51 04/28/23
Real Black Love: An Open Letter to My Grandchildren 05:25 03/29/23
Update on Health 03:12 03/20/23
The Struggle Continues for Khalfani Malik Khaldun 07:12 07/22/22
Declaration of Hunger Strike 06:47 03/11/22
I Can’t Breathe (We Are All George Floyd) 03:45 06/15/20

View All Commentaries by Khalfani Malik Khaldun

Contact Info

Leonard McQuay #874304
Westville Correctional Facility
5501 S 1100 W
Westville, IN 46391


Leonard McQuay, better known as Khalfani Malik Khaldun, is currently located at Westville Correctional Facility. He is an activist, writer and spoken word artist who has spent decades in prison for a crime that he never committed, and he remains committed to justice for all.

Change is Possible: A Rite of Struggle and Passage

Today, inside Amerika’s prison plantations a world exists permeated by the reality that the prisoncrats’ repression breeds resistance. And sometimes, the real cause of this resistance is rarely identified or exposed to the general public, because the authorities behind repression do any and everything possible to conceal and to cover up those who are responsible.

This way, only the negative environmental realities are seen to justify their actions while all positive transformations from prisoners changing their criminal colonial mentalities, are in most cases intentionally suppressed. Having been forced to live inside these plantations for the past 27 years, I was held against my will for a crime that I didn’t commit and in solitary for 20 of those 27 years.

Change is possible no matter how deep, dark, the holes or windowless cells they hide us in are, devoid of the vitality of nature’s natural sunlight, consumed by severe depression, and clearly overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness, and poisoned by sensory deprivation that tends to suffocate and rob us of mental and physical health.

However, conscious men with the burning desire to relinquish all criminal impulses and striving to enhance the quality of our lives, do realize that change is necessary and it is inevitable. The growth of humanity in man will allow us to go through a developmental process, from boys to men, where each stage we gain enlightenment, maturity, growth, and development – this is man’s rites of passage.

Deny us water and we will die of thirst, for all of humanity needs water to exist. Denying us an opportunity or ability to feed our brains and souls with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, we will, without a doubt, deteriorate. This hasn’t stopped us from being aspiring revolutionaries, prison activists, jailhouse lawyers, and freedom fighters.

 I am the voice of Indiana’s forgotten political prisoners;

 Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun


Title Date


Retaliation Against Indiana New Afrikan Revolutionary Prisoner Bro. Khalfani Malik Khaldun at WVCF!

Khalfani Khaldun: Abuse of power at Wabash Valley Prison

Political prisoner Khalfani Malik Khaldun puts the Indiana prison system on trial

From Forced Management Control to Cruel and Unusual Punishment

A Celebration

Indiana’s Voice of the Voiceless –

Khalfani Khaldun Missive