“Victim’s Message to Pennsylvania Governor Wolf.”
Governor Wolf, Jennifer Storm does not speak for all crime victims, nor does she support all crime victims in Pennsylvania. Jennifer Storm was appointed as head of the Office of Victim Advocates by former Republican Governor Tom Corbett in December of 2013.
And since her appointment, she has used the Office of Victim Advocates to advance right-wing ideas, agendas, and policies, whereas the office of victim advocates is supposed to be nonpartisan and an advocate for the rights of all crime victims, no matter who the crime victims are or their station in life.
Jennifer Storm has not spoken out in the media on the behalf of the child victims of Glen Mills School’s abuse, torture, and terror scandal—whom this writer was a victim of that crime scandal as a child too. She hasn’t represented Glen Mills’ child victims who number in the thousands. Are we not victims?
Jennifer Storm did not speak out for the child victims of Pennsylvania’s Catholic Church’s child molestation and rape scandal that was prosecuted by the Pennsylvania state attorney general, Josh Shapiro, and which received national attention. Are they not victims?
Jennifer Stone did not speak out for the dozens of innocent men and women framed by corrupt Philadelphia police officers and freed after serving most of their lives in prison, nor has she spoken for family members whose killers are still at large as a result of the false convictions of those innocent persons. Are they not victims?
Jennifer storm does not speak for the tens of thousands of dual victims in urban Pennsylvania. In fact, she has made public disparaging remarks towards dual victims. Nor does she recognized dual victims as even being victims. Are they not victims?
Governor Wolf, it is obvious that Jennifer Storm is a right-wing ideologue hack who’s narrow-minded definition of a victim makes her incapable of representing or advocating for the rights of all crime victims, especially child victims and dual victims, in the state of Pennsylvania. Which makes her ill-suited to retain her job as the head of the Office of Victim Advocate.
Jennifer Storm must be replaced in November 2019 as the head of the Office of Victim Advocate, with a new victim’s advocate. With a person who is idealistic, open-minded, nonpartisan, has an expansive definition of victim, and who will truly represent all crime victims in Pennsylvania. Victims who are multi-ethnic, urban, working class, Democrat, women, children, prisoners, and dual victims.
Governor Wolf, hear our voices. Replace Jennifer Storm as victim’s advocate.
From the belly of the beast at prison radio, I am Shakaboona.
(Sound of a cell door closing.) These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.